That car = t3h HAWTN3SS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks many coats of FG did you put on you upper dash by the way?
red is teh SEX!!!
vacuum your interior dood
i bet you miss her, eh?
GAY gay GAY gay GAY gay GAY gay GAY gay GAY gay GAY gay
lol jk looks hawt dude. i love the interior... how much did it cost to get done cause until i opened this post i wanted to keep my interior mainly stock..... but yeah fuggg that i want my interior like that..............wait i work at a body shop... ill just do it myself DUH.
as for the steering wheel...

this is the one i have and i love it... you can get it at autozone and its relitively cheap... around 100 bucks or so... i forget what the adaptor kit PN is but i got the apc billet aluminum hub adaptor and it really sets it off.... id post you a pic of it but this comp is a pos and crashed a couple of months ago and took all my pics including all my bash pics
also get like a transparent red spray paint and paint yer climate control knobs it'll look sweet.... again id post pictures of mine but i lost them all
B&M shifter would look nice in there too hehe
but overall Hawt as Fawk
keep it up
Shush Weasel..i want my shirley temple
That wheel is very nice! I may have to grab one! 3 of my friends work at autozone so i see what they can do for me! BTW i have the B&M installed in those pics.. For my year they just didnt come with the billet knob

The reason i dont get one is because i dont want it to be loose or anything....
The upper dash has just 3 layers of glass, just enough to give it support and still be a lil flexable to fit in right....Some of the hard plastic parts like the front dash part were just sanded down really well, then filler primered 3 times, sanded ALOT each time, then painted...Im redoing the upper dash to smooth out the airbag hole a lil more and also to glass in a tri gauge pod in the center facing the driver.
Also i forgot to mention that Im gettin clear corners soon and gettin the arm rests reupholstered black as well. The back seat and arm rests will be a Pinhole Vinyl to match the high wear spots of the seats.
I do miss my car SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much, I moved to Minneapolis for college and left her back home in iowa (5 hours away) because i didnt have a license and need high risk insurance...but this coming weekend i GET TO BRING IT UP!!!! cuz i got my license back FINALY! NO MORE speeding for me!
Thanks alot guys! KEEP EM COMING!
i think all it needs is that steering wheel u mentioned. a fiberglass inteior just looks weird with a stock steering wheel. so keep it up.
killer looking
aahhhh i want summer time like NOW
btw nice ride
NICE interior, but what's the deal with your CD player sticking out?
<IMG SRC="">
sweet interior - first time seeing pics of your car...very nice indeed
and as stated, the radio needs some TLC lol
Sweeeetness! That interior is beautiful!! Nice clean car!!
<img src="">
you interior is awesome, i never did like the tails like you have them, but it is original
I can't believe you painted your door sills black. That's just asking for it
Looks good though.
Looks great..LOVE that rear deck
The Car is For Sale: Info?
very hot.. only things i dont like are the tails and how the muffler kinda angles down..awesome interior thou
looks real good! very clean!
i love the interior!
have the seats faded much?

Portage, MI
VERY nice!. Hope my interior looks that good some day
Ashley Becker - Thanks alot! Yer car is my cars IDOL! hehehe
Ken96Z - Ohh man am i lookin forward to it too! nothing beats cruisen on a nice summer night with windows damn and music up!
cavspeed- My deck wouldnt fit in cuz my harness was in the way, but with a lil jiggling i got it in alright!
navycav3 - Some do, some dont! I like that u mentioned that though cuz i want to know what ppl dont like too! Thank you...
Dave Dunsmoor- Im kind of confused about your comment? Whats soo bad/funny bout that?
Raskal- Thanks! i love it too! its soo much more clear with the open holes in the partical board stuff. Also, the speakers are still mounted underneath the deck, its just the grills for the speakers are glassed in.....this way no matter what speakers i get, they will fit in there. and having them raise up gives extra clearence
cavi (aka illd9)- I dont like that either! I took it back to the exhaust shop and they said that they cant angle it up cause it would come to close to the rear bumper and they think it would melt it, but it has like 2 1/2-3 inches to come up! WTF? i dunno.... doesnt bother me too really doesnt look that bad in real life!
ruen- No fading yet! woohoo! hope it doesnt fade....maybe i should tint the windows? i really dont want to though cuz i want ppl to see my interior! but tint does look hot on red cars!
ecotecpower- Thanks man! it was lots of work, but well worth it! its sweet hearin that from you cuz yer car is hot as he!! !!!!!
car looks very clean. not a fan of the tails. also, i'd suggest removing the side moldings and painting the door handles.
interior looks amazing.

Good idea! Ill do that when i get my IF front! ill just have the handles sprayed at the same time! ill probably remove the side moldings when i get home this weekend! thanks!!