most of u know i had a string of bad luck involving my car (2 accidents, hood came loose and ... ow) well i got my car back with a few minor changes... and a lot of little mistakes that the body shop has to fix but here is how she sits now....
the accidents:
the car now:

the list of @!#$ they need to fix:
passenger side turn lap / headlight is loose, doesnt work right
dome light / dimmer switch doesnt work
finish painting mirrors (black shows through)
got paint thinner in my tail lights
scratched my radio badly
wire up my fog lights
lock in headlight bulbs
odometer doesnt light up brightly
bubbles in the paint everywhere
tint scratched on 3 windows
brights dont work
wipers still squashed from accident
front lip is on crooked

this list is way to long...
looks good throw some bigger wheels and LOWER it and it will look hot
LMFAO that sucks ass, what shop did you take it to?!?!

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
Is it leaning to one side? They didnt touch your suspension did they?
The Car is For Sale: Info?
I cannot believe a shop would even think to give a car back looking like that. Dude that really sucks.

Proud member of
JBOK (J-bodies of Kentucky)
looks like your front lip is @!#$... I've seen them before and it looked nothing like that.
Big-L (Luc)

'04 Sunfire SL
Ottawa's premier car and lifestyle event!
Was this body shop located in a garage behind a rundown bar on the outskirts of some small Mexican village? That is some of the crappiest work I have seen.
yea, its gotta go back obviously.. i knew that (and no im not happy about it)
wut do u think tho... when its finished?
my dash fixed, new fogs, red and black bow tie

, painted handles and mirrors
what are u guys talking about? thats the best Macco has to offer.
lol it wasnt macco.. it was a family friend i guess...
my uncle went to high school with the guy who owns the shop, and we (my family) have taken our cars there in the past.. now my car will never go back there (after he fixes wut he did)
lol glad u took that jokingly, most people would get mad, sucks thou, hope it gets fixed.
<img src="">
i agree that it needs some 18's, perhaps the ones in my sig would look awesome

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
besides the lean...i have to say i like the ass of your car...
hopefully it wont be long until it is back on the street.
Raskal - - wrote:Is it leaning to one side? They didnt touch your suspension did they?
mike b wrote:besides the lean...ihave to say i like the ass of our car...
hopefully it wont be long until it is back on the street
its just the picture angle, and the way the parking stop is located... no lean
they didnt, and WONT touch my suspension
and yea borsty, im a little mad (not at you, at the situation) but is getting angry with all u who laugh gonna make me feel any better? lol...
i would demand whatever money you paid, to have it back, if not I would take them to court.
and the one thing i wouldnt do, is have it "FIXED" by the people who "WRECKED" it in the first place...
and I really dont like the front lip, I cant wait to see better pics
^ yea well.. im gonna have them fix it first, and if they cant do that.. then i go into wanting my money back and yadda yadda... hes a family friend as i said before.. so he gets a second chance
and yea when its all fixed ill post more pics
i went back and talked to him...
they fixed my headlights / corner right there
fixed my dome light
said he would sand the paint and buff it to get rid of imperfections / bubbles
said they would repaint the mirrors
buying new taillights
fixing the front spoiler
so when its all said and done i hope its great
its will definently look HAWTNESSSSSSS. Cant go wrong with a red cavy!

I like all the parts on the car! Front lip isnt my fav but i think i looks better than that rksport lip thing. Nice car!
thanks and i dunno wut to do about the front, i was considering big mouth.... but i dunno now that i have the fogs i kinda like the not so flashy look of the lip, and i think this lip looks 10x better than the ls sport lip.. just my opinion

and i like it so it stays
btw thanks for the compliment, ur car is HAWTNESSSS too
*cough*Lower. If that guy could not see the lip was crooked, im sorry but he is messed up. Hope all goes well and def lemme kno when u get it all fixed back to 150% i wanna see pics.
got the car back, its still not perfect, but its alot better