Hmm, ok don't flame me for asking this, but when I open my trunk i have two wires running to the lock cylinder and a mechanism next to it which I am assuming is the silenoid. (?sp) When I bought the car it didn't have a remote keyless entry fob, however it also doesn't have any sort of interior cabling release or push button release.
I have a 2000 Z24 and I just scored a ton of goodies at the junkyard. I found a 2002 or 2003 dash with the push button above the hood release. Would I be able to run a wire from the wire in the trunk that is not the ground then run it up to the cabin. Then run it up behind the dash and hook it into this button that is included in the dash?
I believe the button sends a signal to the BCM then the BCM pops the trunk. Im sure you cold use the switch with a relay to pop the trunk.
Robert, remote key fobs are available quite reasonably on eBay. (I bought some for my '99 there.) Unfortunately, the '00 and up need to be programmed by a dealer (unless someone knows another way). If you can afford it, I'd just get one or two fobs, get them programmed and not worry about wiring a trunk switch. Plus, you get the convenience of remote entry. I'm quite sure your '00 convert has a remote entry module. (It was standard on the '99.) - Mark
yes, if there is a solenoid there, this means it came from the factory with keyless. i dont remember what year they switched from cable to electric, but the older 3rd gens had a inside cable release on the floor plus the solenoid for remote entry. why they didnt just ditch the cable and put a button inside to begin with i have no idea, but you should have the module for keyless inside. to answer your original question, yes you could add the button and run off a relay to pop it.
Did I mention I drive a 2000 Lumina now? member
all you gotta do is wire in the switch to the popper wire on the trunk latch.
thats all joe schulte did with his 97z, worked flawlessly so im told.
You look so much cuter with something in your mouth.
Awesome thanks everyone, will be getting the keyless entry and also try to splice into the wire and install a remote switch as well. I got the dash from that 2003 it has the switch, might as well use it. Looks factory cause it is. best thing ever
I just did this recently on my 01 z24. The stock push button popper has 2 wires. One is a power and the other sends the power. We found the wire under the dash going to the rear of the car sending the signal to the truck popper. Put power to the push button and the other wire spliced into the wire going to the popper. Any time you hit the button (car on or off) it popps the trunk. I have keyless but having this button is sooo nice.
FU Tuning
John, are the wires specific? Which is power and which is the sending power wires. What did you find to be the best way to run the wires. Run them under the carpet or under the center console then under the carpet through the rear seat up the trunk?
Just a thought, but all the remote button systems I've seen have some sort of safety override that allows the trunk to pop only if the car isn't in gear or otherwise moving. Don't know if the J utilized this or if it would matter to you, but accidental opening happens sometimes. A wiring diagram of the system for the year car you got the dash out of would be useful to verfiy it. - Mark
Robert Huller wrote:John, are the wires specific? Which is power and which is the sending power wires. What did you find to be the best way to run the wires. Run them under the carpet or under the center console then under the carpet through the rear seat up the trunk?
On the button it does not matter. The button is a open circuit which is completed when you push it. I did not run the wires under the carpet or anything. I did nto run them to the rear of the car. I ran from the button to the wire under the dash which is the signal for the popper already.So the wiring I ran is short.
FU Tuning
1of7627 (MarkC) wrote:Just a thought, but all the remote button systems I've seen have some sort of safety override that allows the trunk to pop only if the car isn't in gear or otherwise moving. Don't know if the J utilized this or if it would matter to you, but accidental opening happens sometimes. A wiring diagram of the system for the year car you got the dash out of would be useful to verfiy it. - Mark
I know J's use this on the remote popper. Truly for this button you can't accidentally hit it, if it is mounted in the stock location.
FU Tuning
Its a 2003 dash and the button has maintained the location from factory, it would be impossible to accidentally hit it, its pretty far under the dash.