I have an 04 cav. I get air out of all my vents exept the defrost vent on the top of the dash. Is this an easy fix? I would think it would be only 2 things. Either the hose somehow came off of the top vent or the flapper if their is one isn't switching to blow air out of the top defroster. Could somebody please help me. And if I need to tear the dask apart to get to the hose, where do I start. Could I get to the top defroster hose by popping off the defroster vent on the top of the dash or do I have to take the whole dash out? Thanks guys
Sorry man the dash has to come out in order to do check hose connections.
Here is a great step by step to removing the dash. Hope this helps.
Gotta keep on livin', L-I-V-I-N
It's just the dash cover that has to come out. After you've done it a few times it takes about five minutes to take out of the car.
Interior FAQ -
J-Body of Michigan -
OK. I just checked my car again. I don't think it is the hose that came off of the defrost vent. Because I'll put my fan on high and then I'll go and move the selector that chooses where I want air to blow out of no matter where I move it to floor, floor and vent, defrost it does nothing but blow it out of the front vent. It seems like that is the only chose I have. I know the selector is working cause when I turn it to defrost the little green light will come on. So that tells me the selector is at least working. Where do I go from here? Thanks Guys
i had something like that and it ended up being my cable from the hvacs they would change yet get stuck the defrost light came on but didnt blow out the vent try taking out the center concole and look up under the hvacs and see if the cable got bent which would pervent the switch aleast it was in my case.
Same thing happed in my o3 cavi. What happened is their is this orangeish-yellowish padding around the area where the blower selection piece is. They put to much material in that area causing the selector piece to get stuck and hot allow air into the defroster vents area. Go in there and trim about a 1/4 inch of that padding out.
Hope this helps.
Sorry for bringing up such an old post but i have this same problem with my 04. With winter coming i have to get this fixed fast. Chris did you ever figure this out?