My guage cluster is really messed up
...............My speedo is way off (the needle sits by the Mileage area).....Tach sticks............Gas guage is off by like a 1/4 tank and the temp guages fluctuates when my cars sitting (my gas guage does this too) is there any way to fix this? or should i just go to the junk yard and get one. if it is repairable how much will it cost and if i have to replace it, how much do you think it will cost..............................
John W(Ranger1316) wrote:Ecomadness wrote:should i just go to the junk yard and get one
haha okay but wont my mileage be off?
no, just swap out your mileage counter, if it's a digital odometer, it doesn't matter the cluster doesn't store miles, your car will remember it's actual miles.
He's got an '03 so all he has to do is put the new cluster in, perhaps do the security relearn, then he's got a new, hopefully good, cluster.
Make sure the junkyard has at least a 30 day warranty. If there's no warranty walk out right then and there.
Alright thanks for the help. Now one more question...i have a white guage face on my cluster right now and i want to put it back on once i buy a junkyard cluster. I took the needles off and i think thats what threw everything there another way to put on new guage faces?
if you you know your gas, set the needle there. the others, you can turn the pin all the way to the left then put the needles on and you should be ok. I have done that SEVERAL times and it is OK,
Sorry to but in here, but he has a 03?
If I'm not mistaken you should never remove the needles off of a 03+ cluster because it will break the cluster?
<img src="">
- putting the pieces back together -
i want to do the same thing as Ecomadness is doing (white gauge face) can i take the needles off of my car then since you just said 03+ and i have an 02?? b/c i thoght i read somewhere on here it was 00+ that wasn't supposed to be removed... couldn't i just do like advised for older models and just mark where the needles need to be pushed on... and then turn needles counter clockwise a couple times then add upward force while still spinning needles... would this work???
I have an 05 Cavalier, and have done it on a Sunfire's too (which I have in my Cavalier)
Josh Watson wrote:Sorry to but in here, but he has a 03?
If I'm not mistaken you should never remove the needles off of a 03+ cluster because it will break the cluster?
you should not remove the needles on the 00+ clusters. there is a very very good chance it will not work again. if you just pull them off you will break the peice behind the needle and it wont work. if you cant install an overlay without taking the needles off then have someone else do it. its very simple.
what about trying to install a white overlay... what i mean is taking off the black piece that covers the lights and replacing it with one that is white/red (that i got from Black Cat Customs)... can i still just slide it over the needles?? b/c it looks like i have to take the needles off...
I have yet to actually line up the needles and plug it back in, but.....
and this is a big but right now,
but the motors do come apart and you can put it back together, I have a spare cluster that I have played with and I took one of the pins out with the needle and I pulled the motor apart and put it back together and it feels like it is moving ok.
one other problem is that you slide one of the little gears inside of the motor on the pin and you just have to push the pin a little bit in and it moves everything nicely.
this to me looks and feels like it should, but I have not plugged it back in to verify if it did work.
so you have been warned that I am not positive that taking the motor apart will work
hey steve... did u check to see it you cluster worked after takine it apart??
overlays are exactly what they say they are. overlays. you should not be removing anything. if you cant put a simple overlay on your car, im sorry but you need to walk away.
(assuming your refering to my post) like i said it isn't jus an overlay it doesn't lay over the original black gauge's it totally replaces that with a new white one in which i don't see how it would just slide over the needles and sit down in place right??
did ur gauges ever start to work properly again eco?
no they still dont work im going to the junkyard to get a new cluster asap
AWD GS wrote:Are you refering to these?
if so you dont remove anything, you slide it on.
Black Cat Customs Gauges Require the needles to come off on 00-05. I am dead positive because I broke my speedo trying to do that crap. You have to remove the needles and the factory black faces. Just get a set from Speedhut or ebay. I know for a fact that ebay glow gauges slide on because I just did it.
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