Lets see your aftermarket shifter boot! and where you got it! Im doing a 00+ center console swap, the shifter boot is torn. Yes, Ive searched! Nothing much I can find other than some links to get one also GM part #'s for stock ones.
I need to see pictures! PLEASE! thanks!
thats the exact link i was gonna give ya
does this count?
wasnt stock on my car

"still want to smash that like the fist of an angry god"
sweet my old one was starting to wear out. i'm so bookmarking that site.
Looks like a good site. But why do you they have our cars listed and then say there not available lol. I want a boot for mine. Looks alot better that way
phewes, you play a lil stick puck?
jnickel wrote:thats the exact link i was gonna give ya

x2! let me know what length u go w/ on the boot!
WiGM-Tuners member.
I have been wanting to get some boots from them, but afraid it will not match my back seats. I order some samples from them today to find out.
FU Tuning
Did not realize this company was based in Poland. Wow.
FU Tuning
auto console, all i did was pull the shift boot at the yard and broke off the 2 tabs at each end and snapped it into place. kinda moves a bit when u shift from park to drive but not much.

"still want to smash that like the fist of an angry god"
you pulled it from the yard? haha and you need a new knob like mine gotta love being flashy haha
I remember someone using a Crown Royal gift bag on their ones too.
Well today got my smaples. I was surprised that they sent one of every color. Sad thing is nothing matches what I have.
FU Tuning
couple pics of mine i had the upholster at work make it for me.
the one with the Momo stuff is my car =)
I just used a Momo short shifter boot and that's it. the bottom is usually stretchy elastic that u can wrap around the plastic bracket of the shift column.
Not difficult. Takes about a minute =)