I was curious if anyone had pics of their custom iPod setup's like where you put it and how it looks in it new home lol...

just as a side note i did search but all the pics came up as little red X's

mine is in the little tissue thing in the glove box. perfect fit.
^^^tissue thing? lol
i have my input usually on my sat radio so i jsut unplug it and sit the ipod in my little holder where the power window controls go

My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
Well Mine i have a slim line cell holder and it looks decent but i was just curious as to what people have done to either custom make one or other ways they do it...
ZtwatyFo, I would love to see that it sounds like a great idea but i can't quite picture how you would do it. I have a nano and that hole is wayyyyy to big for mine (man that didnt sound right at all)
i have been searching the net and i can't find anything for cavaliers...when i done a search on j-body i found alot but none of the pictures will load cause the post are too old

Machzel08 (Teh Jew) wrote:^^^tissue thing? lol
yup. when you open the glove box there is a slight rectangle impresson on the plastic, its a tissue holder.
i always wondered wtf that was, lol
Dave, Thank you very much your the only one that actually gave a picture LOL

yeah. the nano is tooo small. but the standard size ipod or the "video" or whatever the hell they are called fits like a glove. just tight enough to keep it from bouncing around. but easy to get out. and it looks like it belongs there. maybe if you guys are lucky i will get some pictures. maybe not. depends. all i got is the laptop due to the computer being down.
I'll get a pic of mine later.
I have a 30GB Gen 5 video iPod in my tissue holder. It runs through the IP Bus of my Pioneer deck and I can run the controls off the head unit. The wiring is tucked behind the head unit and under the dash pad. Eventually I want to move ot to a more permanent place, but it's stays secure in the holder and it's a perfect fit.
Dan Trump

2004 Cavalier LS Sport - Victory Red