I searched but i didnt find what i wanted...
so my question is:
I have a 2005 sunfire and my dash is really soft, its like foam with a layer of vinyl (i guess thats what its called) on top, so how can i paint it? Im gonna sand and prime everything else but the soft parts, can i sand and prime them also? or is the layer of vinyl too thin, i really dont want to fiberglass because i dont know how to and its expensive...
My CarDomain!!! ---
Fiberglass is really cheap. Google "how to fiberglass"
It's also the only way, as far as I know.
use a vinyl dye like SEM Color Coat.
So i can buy vinyl paint and spray over the dash and will it stick to the dash? Can i use Krylon Fusion? i am using the metallic blue from Rustoleum and if i spray a couple of coats of vinyl paint and then spray the Rustoleum Metallic Blue, will it stick? Then i can spray clear coats over that... Thanks alot!
My CarDomain!!! ---
You CAN NOT use spray paint on the dash unless you fiberglass it. The vinyl dye dyes the vinyl, paint basically puts down a shell of paint, and since vinyl excretes oils and expands and contracts A LOT, it WILL crack and look bad.
stick with Vinyle dye and ONLY vinyl dye....you will have one large flytrap if you put paint on it. The duplicolor vinyl dye should work fine, but I've had people recommend the SEM Color Coat....I've used this stuff on the vinyl on the centre console lid and it works very well.
Duplicolor vinyl/fabric paint and call it a day, jeeze.
I've seen a few on here paint their dash pads only to see them crack due to vinyl expands with heat and cold. There are two ways to go about it as everyone has said...dye it only or pull the vinyl off and fibergalss it.
Also...use a plastic adhesive spray before you add any primer to the plastic parts or you may end up having you pain come off. Some have had great success without it but they also did a ton of prep work.
Any painting to the interior that is a great look all goes back to prep work! I personally have over 150 hours of sanding time on my interior! I could have sanded even more!! Prep work and prepare the surfaces for paint, primer and sand, primer and sand! Once you have all that done then paint and sand, paint and sand (wet sand!!)...clear coat it and sand again to get that mirror finish and then polish and wax it all!
Eh...old man with a Corvette now...it was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
hold up there, if your gonna spend the money on vynal die, dont, it will look alot better if your just lay vynal overthe top of your dash. this looks alot better and is alot more cost effective, you can buy a yard of vynal for 4 bucks and get some 3m spray adhesive and do a much nicer job.
the type of vynal you want depends on your but i suggest a flexible vynal with cotton backing, easier to make look nice around corners.
they other way i suggest is definately fiberglass, smooth is always better, but then your will need it to flow with your cars interior, but once your get the glass bug your wont want to stop.

lol I don't know why you guys are putting so much un-needed work into this. I just cleaned the dash pad and sprayed it with Duplicolor vinyl/fabric and it's absolutely fine, has been for awhile now.
So that means i can spray my steering wheel and my center console and other vinyl with this?
I want to paint everything metallic blue with silver specks in it, i used the Rustoleum metallic blue on my back dash, this vinyl paint will be glossy blue, wont match...
But i guess everything is still unpainted (except the back dash which i could care less to match the metallic blue) i will just use the Dupli color blue...
My CarDomain!!! ---
I wouldn't recommend the steering wheel or shifter knob. It'll wear off really quick.
I painted my racing steering wheel red with this and it's holding up fine in the cold, heat, and months of use. The wheel was originally blue, now it's red. As you can see in my sig.
i actually found out that you can paint the dash... without it being sticky!!! im doing mine right now and i'll post when i get it done. but real quick for ya, i used vynal dye first, then used rustoleum primer. then let that sit and dry for a day or two (it'll be sticky at first but after a bit it'll dry and no longer be sticky) then i used rustoleum paint (i used flat black) and did the same thing as i did with the primer (let it sit for a day or two). it turned out perfect for me! i fist did this on my armrests on my door panels... ive had did those about 3 weeks ago and havent had ANY chipping or fading yet!!
Lance Sharpe wrote:Duplicolor vinyl/fabric paint and call it a day, jeeze.

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
i cleaned mine primered it and painted it indigo blue met. duplicolor paint will stick to the dash
Maybe spray that clear coat with the metallic flakes in it but I don't know much about that stuff.

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
I would use the vinyl paint,I did on my vert boots and the rear cover and it looks great,post pics when you get this done.

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
I saw it,very nice!!!!!

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"