I bought a AutoMeter Air/Fuel Gauge, after hooking it up it seemed to work fine for about 30-45 seconds then it just bounces from Lean to halfway and back down super fast? Then if your driving and you let of the gas is shuts off, but if you flooring it, the dang thing reads fine, its driving me insane, Anyone had one do this or anything simliar?
its a narrow band gauge, you wont get a great clean reading as the cars ecu is always chaning the A/F mix. almost usless unless ure running n20 imo and if your sprayng and that thing dont read rich at WOT...let off
That is your exact fuel ratio.
During startup, the fuel ratio is a set amount. No switching back and forth between lean and rich.
Then when the engine is warm it switches lean to rich. (for emissions)
When you are on the gas and let off, the computer shuts off fuel.
And when you floor it, it might switch to a set wot fuel table.
Phlatcav wrote:and if your sprayng and that thing dont read rich at WOT...let off 
Not a bad idea
im a @!#$ pussy ass liar! i lied to my girlfriend over and over, sat around with her friends naked and stayed home downloading porn...she loved me and i hurt her...i deserve to be alone and unhappy...no wonder every girl i try to love leaves me...i suck.
Its doing exactly what its supposed to do, you're gauge is working fine.
During idle and cruise, the computer is constantly adjusting the a/f ratio, which makes the sensor bounce back and forth.
During acceleration, the computer uses a set fuel curve and thats why the light stays in one place consistantly.
During deceleration, the car will go incredibly lean (17:1 or more), the gauge doesn't have lights to display ratio's that low, so it looks like it "shuts off", but really its just telling you that you're decelerating and not giving it any gas.
BTW, a wideband gauge will still bounce around a bit, my AEM does, its the computer adjusting the fuel, so its going to bounce with the adjustments.
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eh, Sunfires... (Tom) wrote:That is your exact fuel ratio.
During startup, the fuel ratio is a set amount. No switching back and forth between lean and rich.
Then when the engine is warm it switches lean to rich. (for emissions)
When you are on the gas and let off, the computer shuts off fuel.
And when you floor it, it might switch to a set wot fuel table.
This isn't really true. The reason the gauge doesn't move much when you start the car is because the sensor hasn't warmed up yet, not because it's being kept at a certain ratio. If the ECU could keep the ratio static like that, it would do so all the time. The reason it's constantly adjusting back and forth when cruising is because it can't just keep it perfect all the time.
Same goes for accelerating and decelerating. When decelerating the ECU leans out the mix to save gas and when accelerating it makes it rich so you don't detonate. That doesn't mean it's being held at some mapped value. It just means it's beyond the limits of the gauge at those points.
The gauge isn't only useful for N2O. The same holds true for any car. If you're at WOT and the gauge isn't reading rich, LET OFF. The gauge only has useful info when something is wrong. If it's rich at idle and deceleration, then there's a problem.
Well go ahead and correct me then. What part of that was wrong?