Do-able or not? - Interior Forum

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Do-able or not?
Saturday, October 01, 2005 6:57 AM
I just recentl bought my cans of Krylon Fusion (red and black) and was going to do my dash/ door panels / center console. I am going to school right now, and this is my daily driven car so I am not too sure whether i have enough time to do these pieces little by little. I planned on doing the dash over a weekend, a door panel each weekend, and the console another weekend. However, now reading the interior FAQ for the 5th time i believe, i saw how many connections i have to take off (HVAC, gauge clusters, steering wheel, etc.) I have done tons of searches on spraypainting the interior, lots of pros and cons as well as people who love it and hate it. However, I have yet to come up with a good understand of how long of a time frame i need to do this with a QUALITY finish. Also, im not clear on what im going to sand here. If anyone has sprayed their interior with a good outcome, if you could IM / email / PM me id really appreciate it guys. Thanks


Re: Do-able or not?
Saturday, October 01, 2005 7:49 AM
mine so far (painted parts with krylon fusion. have been in for two months now):

do you plan on painting EVERY panel? the top dash pad, center console arm rest, and top half of door panels need to be dyed, not spray painted. i'd say pull off the majority of the dash, door panels, center console, and rear panels all at once. just drive around for the time being without them on.

also since your using krylon fusion i would let the pieces sit for like a week before putting them back in.

What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
Re: Do-able or not?
Saturday, October 01, 2005 7:51 AM
You can drive without panels.
Sanding is not exactly necessary.
The top half of my door panels is plastic so you can
paint if yours are too

Re: Do-able or not?
Saturday, October 01, 2005 7:53 AM
1) MOST of the the painted interiors I've seen looks like complete @!#$, if you rattle can anythign it will look like garbage,

2) Alof of people who do rattle can there interior are sick of it in no time.

3) It will proboally crack and flake off anyway

My advise... leave it alone, if looks completely rediculous if its not done right and even worse when its coming apart. Chances are its gonna look like a big ass checkrboard goinging on inside in your car which will cause most female to avoid geting in your car like its the plauge and frineds and relatives will ridicul you, and rightfull so.

If your gonna do it do it right... look at Queen Z's interior, oh an Soundsgood's interior, a few others, there interior is stock looking all sanded down sometiems small layer of fiberglass to cover up imperfections and then profesionally painted with automobile paint, and its looks absolutely awsome. Do it right or don't do it, the multicolored spray paint ricer look is getting old

Re: Do-able or not?
Saturday, October 01, 2005 8:12 AM
Well I must admit I like the fiberglass look, and i know it is the right way to go in the long run. Would i be able to make pieces on the side and when they're done / painted and everything put them in? This way i can still drive my car? Or should i wait till summer to do anything to my interior?


P.S - By the way dak, i looked at your site, that cav is realllly comin along man im lovin it, keep up the good work!

Re: Do-able or not?
Saturday, October 01, 2005 11:07 AM
It took me 5 days working about 2 hours a night to strip my interior out. That was everything from the door panels, rear panels, carpet retainers, dash pad, and even the entire dash (HVAC, radio, etc), steering wheel, etc. I drove the car the entire time up till the steering wheel and dash had to come out. Rattled lots and lots, but it was drivable.

It took me roughly 4 hours to put the dash back together, dash (no pad), steering wheel and all the little things on the column, turn signals, etc so I could drive it again.

I'd say you could do it over several weekends like you stated but the dash itself may cause you the most problems as you CAN'T drive the car with it out! Start with your center console or a door panel and prime/paint it to see if it's going to be what you wanted. How it holds up and all, the color, finish, the look of a painted interior.

You should be able to get that out, sand, prime it and then sand it again (for a nice smooth finish), paint and clear it and then reinstall it in about 8-10 total hours with a spray can. That's alot of work over a weekend, but I think it can be done. Minimal wires/connections there too, so not much to worry about really. Worst case you drive with out it and it's not a big deal.

Last thing I'll add, automotive paint is the way to go IMO. I tried the spray can route on several pieces over the last year or so and never liked it. I just finished my interior (worked on it more than 8 weeks!) with automotive paint and fiber glassing and it looks amazing to me! I did it alone, but with some friends, it would go faster. Plus I work 10 plus hours a day so not much time other than weekends. I put in over 80 hours of prep work and paint time!

Do it right the first time so you aren't doing it over like me!

Here is a sample of my door panel. Once the weather clears up here I plan on cleaning it all up and taking pics of the install. But you get the idea of automotive paint with the proper prep work!

Some pieces installed:

Eh...old man with a Corvette was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
Re: Do-able or not?
Saturday, October 01, 2005 12:27 PM
Well yeah, i also looked at your other post with all your pieces, and naturally ill agree it looks flat out amazing. At the same time, it looks so good I am nervous and hesitant that I will be able to reach even close to that quality. Right now Im on the fence with the krylon fusion / glassing. Really a tough decision. and i know alot of people say spraypainting is a really crappy way to go but Brandons and a few others have had some good results. Also i read you were able to work out of a local shop with a spray, and im nto sure where i can even find a spray Maybe I can try krylon fusion for now, see how it comes out and then when summer comes around i might fiberglass everything. Thanks for anymore advice / suggestions guys~


Re: Do-able or not?
Saturday, October 01, 2005 12:49 PM
I know what you are saying...I was VERY lucky to find a shop to let me do the work out of, VERY lucky!! But I'm also in Germany and don't have access to rental places that will and do rent out booths and spray guns.

I've seen some really nice sprayed interiors too, so it can be done! I didn't have much success with it! But maybe you can? Do like you said or what I said above and try a few pieces and see what it looks like. If it's only a few things, that's something you can fix if needed you know?

Thanks for the nice comments too!

Eh...old man with a Corvette was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
Re: Do-able or not?
Tuesday, October 04, 2005 10:43 AM
spray can painting can turn out nice, but it only turns out nice for the very select people that are very good at using it. 90% of the other people who do it. it doesnt turn out good at all. people say the i dont have the money to do it, when i started my enterior the first time around i didnt have allot of money either, so instead of going the cheap route and then having to redo it every year because of paint issues, i just bit the bullet and did it right the first time, and now its 4 years later and all the pieces i sprayed with a spraygun(body shop) are still pretty much perfect without any flaking or scratching to be seen. it was well worth the money spent. call up your local body shops, youlle find someone willing to spray it for you for a small fee. i went so far as to pick the pieces up from the body shop when they sprayed them with primer to wetsand them myself to help save a few more dollars. like jforce said, just start with the easy stuff like your doors and center console and then when everything else is taken care of tackle the dash, i think my car sat for a week when i did the dash, from start to finish, matter of fact i was putting the dash back in the car the day before the 01 bash lol.!/Square1Photography
Re: Do-able or not?
Tuesday, October 04, 2005 2:49 PM
JFORCE1 <---- have i told you lately......... huhummmm.... that i love your interior..... its beutiful... i wanted to do the blue, and silver metal flake, but since you gottit, i gotta use diff colors...

wait for it... wait for it... NOW GO!! ---> '02 LS Sport <---
Yahoo IM : buzz122 AIM : buzz122cav
Re: Do-able or not?
Tuesday, October 04, 2005 8:19 PM
Red and black, eh?

Re: Do-able or not?
Tuesday, October 04, 2005 8:30 PM
Darkstars wrote:1) MOST of the the painted interiors I've seen looks like complete @!#$, if you rattle can anythign it will look like garbage,

2) Alof of people who do rattle can there interior are sick of it in no time.

3) It will proboally crack and flake off anyway

My advise... leave it alone, if looks completely rediculous if its not done right and even worse when its coming apart. Chances are its gonna look like a big ass checkrboard goinging on inside in your car which will cause most female to avoid geting in your car like its the plauge and frineds and relatives will ridicul you, and rightfull so.

If your gonna do it do it right... look at Queen Z's interior, oh an Soundsgood's interior, a few others, there interior is stock looking all sanded down sometiems small layer of fiberglass to cover up imperfections and then profesionally painted with automobile paint, and its looks absolutely awsome. Do it right or don't do it, the multicolored spray paint ricer look is getting old

agree with him fully.

i'm baaaaack!!
Re: Do-able or not?
Wednesday, October 05, 2005 8:20 AM

Eh...old man with a Corvette was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
Re: Do-able or not?
Wednesday, October 05, 2005 6:28 PM
Well talked with a few people (also researched a @#$% load), and I decided to hold off on the spray and go with the glassing. I agree the results are so much better, and i was just being lazy with going for the spray paint. Gonna start off with some smaller things like maybe custom boxes for my trunk, and a case for my amp or something. Work my way up until im good enough to work on my dash, panels, console, etc. Thanks for all the help guys~

When I reach the point where it needs to get painted, would I be able to purchase a spray gun from like Home Depot? Or are they too cheap, and the final results wont come out that good =X

Re: Do-able or not?
Wednesday, October 05, 2005 8:06 PM
J force that looks really really good. What kind of primer did you use? Did you use the same primer for the vinal as the plastic? I definetly want mine to look like yours.
Re: Do-able or not?
Wednesday, October 05, 2005 9:40 PM
Automotive paint is byfar the best option. Only downfall is it takes forever to prep everything. As you can see the pass door wasnt completed then and it looks like sh;t with silver spraypaint and black vinyl dye compared to everything else.

Re: Do-able or not?
Thursday, October 06, 2005 6:59 PM
i do agree for the most part that Auto pain it the way to go , but ......

1.u don't have to glass to get the glassed look just wets sand , it'll take bout the same time as glassin it

2. i Kryloned my camaro's inside white today (everything but the top dash and the rear hatch) changed 3 of the speakers (2 custom mounted 4/6s1 rear 6 1/2 ) and hardwired 2 neons under my seat today , it took about 5-6 hrs including taking out my interior and putting it back in . i didn't sand it cept a few scratched . i looks great for spray paint its not glassed and it deff looks better than stock .

3. if u suck @ spray paint chances are u will suck just as bad when using a Paintgun, its the same concept .either way u go if u do it urself take ur time caus its takes time i got my stuff done quickly caus i have done lots of spraying with real guns (my family owns a few bodyshops) and camaros are alot easer to strip

if u want a really perma job go w/ auto paint , if u want a temp or want to see what it looks like b4 u drop a load of cash and time go w/ Krylon. Either way take ur time and use the paint like it costs elevntybillion dollars

good luck

Re: Do-able or not?
Thursday, October 06, 2005 7:47 PM
The only things I glassed where panels I changed ie; dash cover, door panels. Things like the lower dash and rear panels where just sanded primed and painted.

Re: Do-able or not?
Friday, October 07, 2005 8:27 AM
Jeff Marmus...Only vinyl I had was the dash pad. I think 00+ stopped using the vinyl on the doors??

Z2FLIP4 and I must have done about the same thing as everything he says is pretty much what I did other than I didn't do the fiber glassing on my dash pad. I sent it out to be done.

I used a product by Sikkens (German), 2k3 primer/filler after using a plastic primer on all the pieces. Sanded (320/400), filled/primer again where needed, sanded (400), wet sanded (800/1200) and then hit it with 3 base coats, 2 clear coats.

Before buying a gun at Home Depot, check the prices of renting as that may be your best price considering all the extras to buy to get the gun working!

Eh...old man with a Corvette was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
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