Last year I had to disassemble my interior and door panels thank to some leaks and some other unfortunate events, and now that the weather is warming back up I'm actually starting to get it back together! However, I may/may not remember in what order things go back, and I may have misplaced some bolts/screws... (its been a long winter). I have a '91 Cavalier Very Luxurious.
I was wondering if anyone had some tips/brief instructions for putting my interior back together (i.e., don't tighten bolts on rainy Tuesday evenings or else my right rear tire will spontaneously combust), so I don't bodge it! I have all the parts, but what worries me most are missing screws, and retaining things (used to retain things) that may have gone missing since October. Are there any service manuals or anyone you think I could contact for diagrams of the interior and what screws to use?
All opinions appreciated!