My brother worked for a company doing various LED projects and you may have seen him as the co-driver of Team NSX. We are just trying to figure out if there is an interest in LED dome lights or maybe some other things people need for LED projects. He is going to be doing mine this week and we have the option at the moment to either do an LED ring, or make a custom one on LED board and really brighten it up. the ring was really bright but we want to see what it looks like on a board.
So post up if you have any interest at all and i can see what we can get done.
I for one would like to see some pics of finished products. But yeah...intrested.
Sounds interesting Vince but unless he does something original with them we have plenty of places to get LED dome lights and what not.
I <3 JGM
I think bigfoot is blurry,
that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry. And that's extra
scary to me. There's a large, out-of-focus monster, roaming the countryside.
"Run! He's fuzzy!" "Get outta here!"
In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
core (strmtrooper) wrote:I for one would like to see some pics of finished products. But yeah...intrested.
im going to try to pick up some board to make mine tomorrow. he made one for his datsun, and at the moment i have a circle one in place of mine and its already WAY brighter than stock.
and these would be as original as it gets. most of the time there are led bulbs that just replace the bulb in there. these could probably be custom shaped, colored, easy hook up, can be behind the cover or mine might be made to stick out of the cover and directional to point toward the front of the car more since the sunroof pushes mine back so far.
plus it would make it easy for those who dont want to go and search how to make one, they would just buy it ready to go. i think at the moment all he has is bright white LED's. which look great for what im doing with mine. but they are all top grade LED's as well.
again its just a feeler to see if its something worth making or not. he used to work for cincitydesigns out of ND and now is back in IL just tinkering with LED's
Again, that sounds pretty good. Hope you make one and post pics soon.
How would theyn connect? Plug? Or would it require wiring?
FU Tuning
Few things to take from how they do there's..
easy as pie install for any vehicle. just plug in the dummy bulb and the leds plug right into that.
Figuring out what LEDs to use, superflux 4chips are ideal.. But do generate heat so could lead to potential issues. I had 2 of mine burn out most of the leds from the heat generated before they gave me a ultra thin style
Size, if your wanting to make it fit a few models definitely going to have to make generic and different sizes.
Got to remember, you may only sell like 10 if there more then $15, people are cheap @!#$s
Mounting, 00+ have nothing to mount too, and ozniums come with double sided tape.. well it doesn't stick to cloth to well so I ended up attaching the hard plastic side of velcro to it and it works great. May be a option to look for if your looking at selling these for the Js. 95-99 have a lot small area to work with too because they have a plastic housing
good luck but I honestly think your brother is going to find it more a PITA.
Stephen (manta z) wrote:
Few things to take from how they do there's..
easy as pie install for any vehicle. just plug in the dummy bulb and the leds plug right into that.
Figuring out what LEDs to use, superflux 4chips are ideal.. But do generate heat so could lead to potential issues. I had 2 of mine burn out most of the leds from the heat generated before they gave me a ultra thin style
Size, if your wanting to make it fit a few models definitely going to have to make generic and different sizes.
Got to remember, you may only sell like 10 if there more then $15, people are cheap @!#$s
Mounting, 00+ have nothing to mount too, and ozniums come with double sided tape.. well it doesn't stick to cloth to well so I ended up attaching the hard plastic side of velcro to it and it works great. May be a option to look for if your looking at selling these for the Js. 95-99 have a lot small area to work with too because they have a plastic housing
good luck but I honestly think your brother is going to find it more a PITA.
Mine never had a plastic housing just headliner, I think you talking about the cars that came with the "alien" dome lights with the two reading lights in them.
I <3 JGM
I think bigfoot is blurry,
that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry. And that's extra
scary to me. There's a large, out-of-focus monster, roaming the countryside.
"Run! He's fuzzy!" "Get outta here!"
In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
I also would be very interested if could see some pictures of a finished project.
Probably start on one tonight. Ill take a picture of the connector we are using for mine right now. What I have in there'd now is temporary and we will look into how to mount it up there. Might expose mine through the diffuser and angle some of them forwards. Will updated once I get materials tonight.
interested. waiting on pics. these wouldn't get to hot to melt the plastic would they i dont know mucha bout leds
i still gotta get the boards. right now i just have an LED ring in there and its bright as hell. but i still want a custom board of them instead. the ring is MORE than enough. i just need a rain day at work to go get them when they are still open. ill take a pic of the one in his datsun which essentially will be what he would make for our cars.
any idea how much these would be goin for?
I'm interested also, but curious and wondering if they will dim like the bulbs do.. I doubt they will, probably stay on after the door shuts and take a moment then shut off, Correct me if i'm wrong..
If he buys more of the stuff in bulk its wicked cheaper. He just told me he would look into it for supplies. He said they will fade out just like the normal bulb. I just need to get all the supplies and resistors and what not out. ill get it worked out here real soon and go from there.
Swapped my bulbs out with LEDs today.
They fade out like regular bulbs, are way brighter and give a more modern look.
I know they don't look too bright, because I used my phone, and I still need to install the third bulb.
They are a huge improvement over stock and are definitely worth it.
I checked mine tonight, it fades out quite a bit then shuts off. If it rains tomorrow afternoon then ill have time to go get the board needed to customize mine and then hopefully have one done tomorrow night. Its going to be super bright. the ring i have in there now is bright as it is so we will see how this one goes.
Alex..what bulbs did you use? Direct plugin?
I used these bulbs called 'electropods' which have 6 LEDs per pod. I removed the stock socket and wired red to orange and black to green. The pod is almost the same shape as the bulb housing, so they fit with no problems.
Hey alex, noticed you cut holes in the light diffuser (cover). Any reasoning behind that?
I'd be interested but need a price and pics...........
do you guys order your leds or can you get them locally
GhrtWe have a large supply of super bright white leds. These would come with an end on it that way they stay plug and play. It looks like the weather is holding out so might not make it to get supplies today. But I will get pics of the camaro lights he did as well as the one in his datsun. Sounds like some interest to atleast make some to show.