hello everyone i need someone that has done a 3 gauge dash bezel i am no expert on fiberglass so if anyone have done this many times i would appreciated if they could make one for me and let me know how much would you charge me for it i need this Bezel ASAP i would really appreciated the help.
Thanks for Looking
Do you mean a 3 gauge pillar, or a dash bezel with 3 gauges in place of the vents?
I mean a Dash bezel with 3 gauges instead of the vents
Doing it yourself is the quickest way to get it done.
I know but i dont have any experience with fiberglass but if no one could make one for me ill just have to try it and see how it goes
what year i have one someone made while ago has the 3 gauge pod locations for a 95-99 where the radio is under the hvacs. i have no need for it so ill sell it.
Would u send some pics of it please
is any one/company making these any more? izntrbl used to but heard he is no longer?