Bought a Sunfire gauge cluster hoping to do a swap and when I figured out that it won't work without modifications I put the stock cluster in and when I did this I somehow turned on a theft system alarm I didn't know I had. My code reader is telling me that it's the theft system turning off the fuel pump. When I go to start the car the engine will start but WILL NOT RUN !
CAN ANYONE HELP ME????????????????????
SOLD! gone forever
Try this...
1. Attempt to start the vehicle, then leave the ignition ON. The THEFT SYSTEM light telltale will flash for 10 minutes.
2. When the THEFT SYSTEM telltale stops flashing, start the vehicle. Once the vehicle is running, the password is learned.
I have tried that and my theft system light doesn't flash it only stays on solid, and this method doesn't work
any other ideas maybe???
Because right now I'm boarder line on bringing it to a dealership tomorrow, which I'm extremely hesitant on doing!
SOLD! gone forever
Which code do you have brother?
Your car may do 13 sec @ 103 mph, but my car does 146db @ 35 hz.
Just brought the car to Ayer Chevy in Dover, not happy about that, but when I plugged my code reader in it was only saying - Theft system --- Fuel pump.
and thats it and When I go to start the car the engine will start but just won't run. To see my baby on the back of a towtruck just kills me
SOLD! gone forever
You should have waited cause now they are going to rape you for something you could do at home
I <3 JGM
I think bigfoot is blurry,
that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry. And that's extra
scary to me. There's a large, out-of-focus monster, roaming the countryside.
"Run! He's fuzzy!" "Get outta here!"
In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
Much love for being married to a mechanic... If anyone ever needs any help, I can always ask him! Lemme know!
He likes cruising forums and helping people out, giving them proper direction instead of a hack job, haha.