they make them "aftermarket" saying they will work in a cavalier...Anyone ???
stock needs to be cut off
It's pretty involved, not impossible
Not too hard really, cut off rubber grip, then grind away untill handle slides on. Quite a bit needs to be taken off for a good fit, so just make sure you don't grind too far... Don't have any pics at the moment or I would post for you.
I was about to post about the same thing until I saw this lol, why cant they just use a C clip like the shift knob?? Ugh.....looks like I am going to be getting the grinder out....
"Hondas are like tampons, every pussy has one!!!"
Just take the grinder and go at it.
If you have a new handle anyways, who cares about the stocker
(Unless you want to go back to stock of course).