Is it possible to put an 03 cavalier stck steering wheel in a 96 cavalier? If so how had wld it be!!!!???
You would have to swap out the entire steering column from an 03-05 and have the 03-05 airbag as well.
Its not very difficult to do. Juat change your ignition cylinder over to the new one,
I forgot to mention but the reason why is where the steering wheel attaches is a different size, if you need diagrams on how to swap columns I can get em for you
If you dont mind I could prob use them!!
not to argue with anyone, but are you positive on that? I know in my 97 cavy I had a 93 cavy steering wheel. Did they change when they went to the ecotec motor?
Lifes a B**ch,
You marry one,
Then you DIE!!
yup, Im not sure what gm had in mind as to why they had to change the diameter, but basically before than all gms were practically all the same, i remember having a 92 cav wheel in my 87 s10.
Its only the 03-05 that have the smaller one, how i know is I wanted a wheel with audio controls in my 03 and liked the grand prix wheel from a 99 so i had to use another column to have the bigger size, and used a clockspring from a 98 sunfire gt with audio controls to do my swap.
ok, heres another ?....i really like the new camaro wheel...would that be swappable if i take the whole column too?(lol, how much do you think this will run...)