I have some slight curb rash on the lip of a new rim, I accidently bumped the curb while parking trying to avoid being hit by a Sunday driver.
I know there are tons of experts on this forum and I was wondering if anyone has insight in what to do? Or should I do anything? I'd like to make the rub as unnoticable as possible.
Pics is bad, sucky camera, can post better later.
i cant really tell what i'm looking at..
I'm gonna bring this post back to life, lol
Just bought a set of 17" rims and 2 of them have horrible curb rash, almost all the way around.
I seen a post on how to fix them. Link:
Has anyone tried this? Would it work good? Is there a special kind of putty I should use? Also would it look redic if I didn't paint them? I can post pics if I get any replies.. Thanks