Things are really expensive here in Canada.
Anyway, I'm looking at this website, and these rims looks rather nice.
My question is: will they break or crack on the first bump?
Roads are pretty rough and bumpy here in Montreal from all our rough weather and stingy municipalities.
primax 685
They'll shatter into a thousand pieces the minute you hit a crack in the road, definitely.
You're pretending that rims have never broken.
You have to understand that the roads in Montreal are saturated with potholes... There's no place for sarcasm here.
Here are some examples:
This is a common site in Montreal:
Montrealers, like other urban dwellers, are forced to adapt to the situation:
Some Montrealers have gotten quite lucky:
And finally, you have the occasional potditch:
So I don't want a set of cracked rims next time I go road-fishing.