Now that Quebec has gone all communistical and has made it mandatory for cars to have winter tires, I've decided to have a little fun. Instead of the Blizzak's currently on the car I want an old school massively studded deep thread winter tire. Only problem is, do they still make them?
Basically, I'm asking if anyone knows of the BF Goodrich T/A equivalent of winter tires. All Terrain Truck Tires look the part, but they're not winter tires. I want winter tires.
Any help would be appreciated, I've checked around and only found A/T tires. All in the wrong size. Surely there must be one last holdout that still sells the old school stuff. Preferably with loud metal studs in the things.
Winterforce FTW
or Cooper weathermaster ST/2
I think I've found what I wanted. HAH! Bet these will be a million times better in snow than most tires (and a million times worse on dry asphalt as well...)