Ok I have seen soooo many questions lately about rolling fenders and if this will fit if it wont so here you go this is the steps I used for mine
factory sizes:
14x6", 5x100, ET 45
16x6", 5x100 ET 42
aftermarket calculator
simply put in what offsets your factory
then what you plan on putting in then it will do the calculation
I prefer Rims-n-tires.com, it gives you pictures and tire sizing and how things should fit(as a general rule anyway)
i prefer the excel spreadsheet one i made a few years ago
not as pretty, but it worked well.
1997 RedR - ZedR
this is just kind of a helpful hand I had an excel spreadsheet as well but it doenst work well on forums lol
yet nobody reads it since theres been 5 more topics started since this post lmao
BuMmRz wrote:yet nobody reads it since theres been 5 more topics started since this post lmao
its good info but hardly anyone will read it. people want everything given to them without doing anything.
Nice calculator, just searched and came across it- thought it should go back to the top
Now with northstar V8, IRS, 20's n 22's
okay call me dumb but for some reason i always have issues with offsets.
current wheel 8" wide with 45 mm offset.
possible new wheel 8" wide 40mm offset.
results from bummers site
inner clearance 5mm more (meaning the wheel will be 5mm further away from the strut right?
outer clearance extend an extra 5mm (meaning the wheel will come out of the car and closer to the fender by 5mm correct?
is my thinking right on that?
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sndsgood/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/Square1Photography
yes. dumbass.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
hmm till now i thought that site was easy lol Jason has proved me wrong apparently. Yes your correct why are you going to a 45 mm offset?
BuMmRz wrote:hmm till now i thought that site was easy lol Jason has proved me wrong apparently. Yes your correct why are you going to a 45 mm offset?
yeah yeah yeah.
ive got a 45mm offset now and new rims im looking at are 40 mm which according to the chart should basically push the wheel out 5mm wich looking at the car last night i should be good. front fenders are rolled so i have plenty of room there. just going to be close in the back when the car is on the ground, think worse case i can do a little trimming to keep it clear.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sndsgood/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/Square1Photography
bump since theres a whole wack of questions on this yet again