Friend of mine gave me his wheels off of his Daytona a while back. I decided to polish them and paint the inlets. Was waaaay more work than I thought it would be, lol. I think they turned out pretty nice though. The pictures with my phonecam don't do them justice. They're almost like mirrors now. I know they're just 15's but I can't afford new wheels or anything else really until after May next year... None the less I spent all week working on these and their still not conpletely done. I sprayed the inner areas of the wheel with etching primer and epoxy paint after scuffing them up a little so that they won't leak. Since I sand blasted them originally and they are old aluminum wheels. I still need to smooth out the paint in the inlets and finish them with metal polish. I should be done with them this week. Can't wait, lol, this was a major pain in the ass, lol.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edited Saturday, December 16, 2006 8:23 AM