Ok one of my tuner lugs broke in half today. only the round peice is stuck on the wheel stud and there is no way to get a grip on it to get it out. How in the world am i supposed to get this off??? do i have to drill the wheel stud out by starting with a small drill bit and working my up in size until the stud is completley drilled out and the lug will just fall off an then put a new stud in? any suggestions, i really need help cause i cant get my damn wheel off to work on my suspension. Thanks guys!!!
You could try breaking the nut with a chisel if it will fit in the opening. If not see if you can get to the back side if the hub and try and chisel off the back of the stud and drive it through to the front side. Then all you have to do is replace the stud. Always use a good torque wrench when tightening wheel nuts nott and impact gun. Hope this helps.
if you like your rims... use the drill man... thats all i have for advice
both are good options. if you can find a shop with a broken lug removal tool it may work as well, but i dont know if you will get it to fit in that small of an opening ( im assuming its a small opening because you are using tuner lugs).
just becareful.
Injection is nice but id rather be BLOWN!
dumb question, maybe I just dont know what a tuner lug is. You said the lug is broken. do you mean the stud snapped, the nut is stripped or the nut wont turn?
Some one was talking about a broken lug removal tool. Snap-on sells a stripped or / wheel lock removal tool.
01 cav w/01 3400 gam gt 4t45e
What about taking a nail set/nail punch and taping it out?
well guys i got it out. Just drilled the stud out until the nut fell off, then removed the stud and put a new one in. pretty simple. thank god it was an easy fix. phew!