let me know what you guys think of these wheels on my 05 red sunfire
there are what i jsut bought for my 05 red fire. i decided to keep my car and have about 5 things sitting in my garage waiting to go on inclusding HIDS, rear CF tail filler, 2" lowering springs, and now the wheels. next week i will be putting in 2 !2W3V3 JL's that sjut came out last week. i will psot pics soon let me know what you guys think of these wheels.
i wish i had that kind of money what did u pay for those rims
almost 1500 for wheels/tires mounted and balanced.
Those wheels are nice.
But jesus christ $1500? What kind of tires did you get? That is wayyyyy too expensive. My 18's are only going to be about $1000 shipped.
i got nice tires, with regular standard tires it would ahve been around 80-100 a tire so it would ahve been around 1200 after shipping.
I shyed away from those since their offset was extremly high. Isn't is somthing like 48mm offset? Not for me, but good luck. Hopefully your not slammed.
dang those are really nice rims but way to pricey for me