has anyone ever bought/seen the "factory" style after market wheels? do they look like the OEM wheels?
my aunt smacked a curb with her grand prix and im having a hard time finding a rim for her car. there are a few used ones around but not the style i need.
one wrecker around here lists a "new after market wheel" for her grand prix and its only $40 more then a used rim. but i don't want to order it and find out that it looks like a cheap knock off.
thanks for your input guys.
ive seen these for a BMW once. the guy was putting his snows on the aftermarket OEM's. if you didnt know any better, you would probably assume it to be OEM, all they really say on them is that this is not an OEM wheel on the mounting flange, so that the company doesnt get sued.
they actually arent that bad, the ones i saw atleast. double check with the wrecker or who ever is ordering it on the return policy. if it sticks out like a sore thumb there isnt any point in getting it.
Injection is nice but id rather be BLOWN!
where did you get it from?
I wonder if it's actually a refurbished factory wheel.
damn, i know companies like this exist, because a friend of mine got his insurance check based on the "discounted" oem-like wheels that they sell. i'll try to find you the link.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -