I have a '96 Sunfire
and i hate how my back takes of if i corner to hard specially on rainy days. I know thats not all but rigth now i want to get some wider tires without changing my rims.
Right now i have 195/65R15 Goodyear Allegra on it and the stock 15" Pontiac alluminium rims. On of my friends suggested to get some 205/65R15, do u guys think that 215/65R15 might be pushing it to much with the rims i have now?
Would it work ok if i get 2 205/65R15 n the front and 215/65R15 or is it going to look Redneckish???
is there even any tread left on the tires? sounds like they are running bald if you have a problem sliding around
the front ones are brand new i got them in december but the back ones....they's factory so they're old!!!
i went to a few tire shops and they told me i can but some 215/60R15 , i just worried about them touching the sides when my from wheels turn, but i guess i can trie that at the shop
Tony, did u car came with those ones or did u put them on
I'm still running on my stock 15's. But my father is a master auto technician at Goodyear (been a tool for about 25 years) and that is what he suggested.
Thanks a lot ! i'll go for the same size
what brand of tire do u have now? how do u like them?
What do you think of BF Goodrich radial T/A???
I like the BFG T/A's, I got them on my car now.. speaking of which I need to buy four new ones. I got about 42,000 out of them. I've had this impact break on the side of my tire for about eight months, and no blow out (I hit a heavy curb at a reasonable speed), other than that they are serving me well
Nice dude,
i was going to buy the EXACT same model, but a guy that i work with has a delear acount so he can get me some cheaper ones, they're some new brand that just came up, so i'll go with those cause my funds are limited.
thanks for that tire size, i'll stay with that one 205/60R15
speaking about hiting the curb... last winter i wasn't speeding or anything, i was just driving (but my back takes off a lot so i just controll it by steering) the thing was that that time there was this hot chick waiting at the lights and i forgot that i have to steer and i ended up into a big pile of snow and also hit the curb :S
lol :p ya i know how limited funds goes

when i upgrade to 16's im probably going to go with BFG T/A's or Potenza g009s.. i can get the T/A's cheaper than the g009's being my dad has a vendor connection

.. sooo ya

but anyways, good luck with the new tires!
my buddy's has a delear acount and he told me that the BFG radial's are discontinued, i'm not sure if it's true or not, but yeah. gtg now bed time
are you going to get 16' from a Z24 or a GT? or buy some after market ones??? , i was thinking of going to pick a part and might find some (funds again) haha
I'm going to be getting aftermarket 16's, probably from Kazera
i was checking out Tirerack.com today and i was looking at those BFGoodrich T/A, and they're decent priced actually, i was going to ask you, those prices are in US dollars right? do u think it's worth it getting it from there???
Yes it's in U.S. currency, and they are very decently priced. Keep in mind you'll have to pay about $40 in S/H also.