Have a 1996 cavalier Z24 with a 5-Speed Tranny, not sure which Izuzu tranny it is but its one of them. Im trying to release the hydraulic line that goes from the master cylinder to the release bearing. I replaced the release bearing and the old quick connect fitting is still on the line and the new one came with a brand new quick connect fitting on it already so i want to use the new one. I dont see a built-in release so im wondering if you can tell me what tool i need to disconnect the line from the slave cylinder (release bearing) quick connect fitting. Thanks in advanced.
i actually just did this yesterday. I had my slav4 go out and just finished with the install. after messing with it for days in between installing all the other things with the slave, I ended up removing the new quick connect and using the old connect from the factory line.
Yea that how I removed the old one by just removing it but on this new one its on there so tight that when I try to unsunscrew it, it starts to bend the line. So its on there pretty good but I would like to believe that someone on this forum has encounter this issue before and knows what gm tool I need to get this off. And with how messed up the granny was which is a long story, I don't trust the old connector to still seal properly. Im having trouble putting in the new output shaft seals too. Been through about 6 at 10 bucks a pop. I just want to get this project over with. Lol. I appreciate your help though.
I think some years had a collar that you pushed in then you had to pull on the line and it pop out.
Thats the connection on the Getrag tranny. The izuzu one is way different. If it was just a pin that needed to be pulled to seperate the lines i would of had this project done already.
i wish it was that easy. This izuzu tranny is a pain in the balls. Apparently they made 2 izuzu trannys for that year. The release clip for the line is supposed to be built in to the hyrdaulic line itself, it stays attached, but mine is missing for some reason. and i cant find anything close it, the A/C quick connect release kits in the store are too stubby to be able to reach in and release it. So im assuming i would have to buy a whole new line which i dont want to do because apparently no part store in town carries it and the master cylinder doesnt come with it so it would be a dealer only item. which means it will be roughly 1,000,000 dollars and have to be ordered.
SilvrSunfir wrote:I think some years had a collar that you pushed in then you had to pull on the line and it pop out.
Yes exactly. Thats what this one has but its missing.