I just bought a '99 Z-24 that i'm pretty sure that the final drive is bad in. I have a good F/D from a ln2 that I could use if this turns out to be the problem. Has anyone done this? Will I totally kill the all power from the car? How bad will it be taking off in 1st? Last I should see decent gas mileage!! This will be a DD with the occasional "spirited" driving.
Just a general caution, you do realize that you have to swap the output shaft as well and the diff ring correct? Which consists of pressing gears and bearings off of a shaft, so you will need an arbor press at the least.
Other than that, it will probably up your mileage, but the car is going to feel like an absolute dog.
Paying someone to install parts and bragging about it being fast, is like watching someone bang your wife and being proud to raise their kids.