I'm using the 4t40e and my engine is really designed for max power at 7250rpm (it was using a manual transmission before). Since converting to auto I am currently limiting my shift points to 6500rpm as this is the documented max rpm for this transmission that I have found on the internet.
Has anyone been running their stock 4t40e transmission at higher than the max documented rpm reliably?
Still quite new to auto transmissions so trying to figure out exactly which components of the auto transmission are the limiting factor for this 6500rpm limit or if it is simply the manufacturer playing it safe with the limits.
Jeremy (skilz10179) was revving out to 7500 if I remember correctly. I've personally revved out to 7200....Nothing broken so far.
I have no signiture
ive revved mine to 8000 before (not kidding) and it was just fine.
but when you get into tweaking the shift points etc it gets real tricky. you really have to know what your doing otherwise you're in for one hell of a nightmare.
but if you want to you can go to www.hptuners.com and buy the tuning stuff needed to get the job done.
Anything worth doing is worth over doing.
Thanks for the info had a feeling that it would probably be ok. I'm running the PCS TCM2000's on the transmissions so tweaking the shift points isn't an issue I was just worried about the max RPM to put through the trannys without causing a very quick failure since the car has only just been put back on the road and wanted to get some use out of it before it broke :lol:
Many Thanks,
your running a WHAT for tuning???
Anything worth doing is worth over doing.
i reved mine to 7500 all last summer

8 psi with m62 and IAT under 100
holy @!#$, that is badass.
how come you got one though??
Anything worth doing is worth over doing.
While i'm using the 4T40E transmissions they aren't in the vehicle you would expect (or may have ever seen before) as the car was pretty much only sold in the UK and a couple of other EU countries during the 1970's and 80's. As the engines are also using aftermarket fuel\ignition managment I couldn't use the donor cars stock TCM and after much searching decided the PCS unit since it offered the best set of controls vs price and as I am very new to auto's it came pre configured with a base map to get me started.
This is a link to the build I have been working on using the UK GM version of the early 1990's 2.0l Ecotec engines and then the 4T40e transmissions that were about the most compact auto I could use that would handle the abuse and still just about fit into the engine bays.
you definitely need to post build pics in our other cars forum. that thing is NEAT!
Anything worth doing is worth over doing.
Holy Sh ite. That is the coolest ecotec swap I've ever seen. And I thought the ethanol coupe was bad ass. THis takes the cake. Must let others here know what you have done. Cheers for all the work my friend.