Anyone have a lightened flywheel with a spec stage 2 plus clutch? I have had them sitting around in my room for going on 2 years and I'm finally thinking of installing it.
Question how bad is it to drive? I've driven in another car that had something similiar and I could get used to it no biggy but I want to know from someone who has a cav.
I drive that and my name is Matt
I dont think it is to bad, only disadvantage is when you start out in first gear, you have to feather the petal a bit more, so the engine does not kill. Nothing that is hard to get use to though.
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I'm running the spec lightweight flywheel and a bully stage 3 clutch and it is pretty close to stock feeling. I daily drive my car and its great to drive. It is a little more grabby but nothing too bad. My girlfriend who drives a stock 02 civic with a D16 (100hp) can get into my car and drive it no problem.
I have the Stage 2 with the flywheel for a few years now. When it is cold it is a little touchy, but no big deal. Took a little getting use to , but a couple days and all was good.
FU Tuning
I got a spec stg 2 and aluminum flywheel, No issues at all i drive it everyday, hell the g/f can drive the car if she needs to she even did it in wedges once haha.