I'm going to be replacing my clutch, I was looking at the SPEC stage-2 but I've read some unsettling things on here about SPEC. Can anyone reccommend a good aftermarket clutch for my 04? I want something stronger than stock, but will be easy to drive daily. I thought the stage-2 would be perfect, seeing as how thats basically the only brand i can find. I was also looking for a lightweight flywheel to replace the stocker when I do the clutch.....
I bought a spec stage 2. Haven't installed it yet but I'll tell ya how it goes.
And for the lightened flywheel... I think it makes your revs drop even faster inbetween shifts, which can affect your daily driveability. But people adjust, so it's up to you.
I have the Spec stage 2 clutch on my dd..And I have put 40 thousand km on it..Knock on wood all has been great with it..Really makes the car fun to drive..But yes others have had issues..Just make sure to resurface your fly wheel,And use lock tight on all bolts..And break it in properly..
Jason, did you resurface your flywheel or get a new one? and what type? How does the pedal feel as compared to stock? Does it buck when you're driving? Its good to hear that it works great because it doesnt look like there are many options. I drove a cobalt with a stage 3 last night and thats definately more then I need, so Im hoping to get the stage 2 still
I just had the flywheel resurfaced..I was going to do a lightened one but seen lots of breakage with those..So I did a balance shaft delete kit on my eco instead to get rid of rotational mass...The pedal took some getting used to..It lets out closer to the top which is different..But once you get used to it it is great for racing because you just push the pedal down a bit for shifting..And there is no bucking on mine..But like I said so far so good with mine..
hmmm my clutch has the same feel lets out towards the top thouught it was wierd but at least i know other people have had the same type of feeling in theirs
Im getting a spec stage 2 with spec aluminum flywheel put in today. So I will tell you how it feels with the first drive.
Why dont you just put back in the stock clutch? What are you intensions with this car? I onced boost 15 psi on the stock clutch and it held fine. The stock eco clutch is better then my stock cobalt ss/sc clutch by far.
Im really enjoying the new clutch, flywheel. The pedal feels light and it feels a bit peppier.
sweet, ill be ordering on monday then it looks like. Thanks for the help!
I had a centerforce dual friction stage 2+ on my 98 z. Love that clutch...sadly, all was lost in a 3x end over end flipping action....
-_98 Cavy Z24_-
You have nothing listed in your profile that warrants a stronger clutch. Just get a LUK replacement and be done.

2003 Cavalier 1SV
Bagged and Blown
I gave telling people this long ago...
Have fun with that spec crap!
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
i had the spec flywheel and ACT clutch on my 96z. clutch lasted 60k miles and still going last i heard. It was a tough pressure plate, but i got used to it.
spec flywheel was a nice upgrade. But... seeing pictures of peoples flywheel sheering off the motor from a couple of guys made me nervous.
good luck.