If you have a 96-99 2.4L LD9 motor and love the power but hate the transmission that GM attached to the engine, listen up. I though that with 180k miles on my Isuzu that all I would need was a couple seals and the syncros, but I was wrong. I opened up the transmission and the differential was completely exploded. It was cracked, chipped and completely worn out. It failed. At 180k it had better days. Well enough with the story of why I swapped and more of how to do it.
The biggest thing was finding a NVG transmission. There are only (2) years that are know besides a few in 92 that will work. I went to about 3 JY and never found a one. So I went to a site called CAR-PART.com. This site it probably your best friend when doing the swap. Locate yourself a transmission and if you can pick it up, awesome, if not have it shipped. I had a buddy go to Georgia for me, about 650 miles round trip. He owed me a big favor. Once you get the transmission, make sure there are no stripped holes, no cracks and just make sure that overall its in pretty good shape.
The next thing you will need to do is swap some parts over. The rear mount from the 96-99 sunfire/cavalier will fit it just needs spacers. The rear bolt on top needs to be spaced up .25 and the side bolt needs to be spaced up .8 or a .75 spacer and 2 washers. If you fail to seat the spacers and tighten the bolts down, you will strip the threads out. I did this but was lucky enough to be able to clean the threads and get longer bolts and I was good 2 go. I would torque these bolts to no more than 35lb-ft and put some purple loctite on them.

Also on the rear mount, you need to open the holes up just a touch, the 12x1.75 botls will not go through the top holes. I think I opened mine up to ½.
Next is the shift linkage. The ball sockets on the 96-99 are different and need to be switched over. A 15mm quick wrench will help a lot with this. Unbolt the shafts and bolt onto the NVG shift linkage. Now one shift cable will snap right on, the other will need an extension. I made a 1.5 extension, not to sure on how it will work, but should do pretty good. This cable extension bolts to the shift linkage on the NVG then bolt the shaft/ball socket to the other end.
Here is a pic of the NVG ball socket
The shift cable bracket from an NVG transmission will work but its not the best. I know that other years and motors have similar cable brackets, if you need to have the car running, best bet is to get one from the yard and on a free weekend make a custom bracket.
This is the factory bracket, its no where close to the NVG holes.
Once all those small mods are done, then its time for the killer. The FRONT MOUNT. I have been searching for 3 weeks with no luck on a front mount. I am in the process of custom making a mount for the NVG swap. I should be done with this in a couple days. Its not recommend that you drive without the front mount, so if you can get one, or if you would like to purchase one of mine, I would be more than happy to sell you one.
This is my proto-type
Replacing the slave cylinder is just like any other internal salve cylinder. Twist off the quick disconnect and slide the cylinder off. Now there is a o-ring in the quick disconnect so be sure to replace it or use the old one. Then just slide the slave cylinder in and your ready to bolt to the motor, of course with a flywheel and clutch.
With the transmission out of the car its a lot easier to replace the output shaft seals. I replaced these just for the sake of not having to fuss with them in the car. They can be quite a pain to replace out of the car.
This is the surface cleaned and just sanded just the lightest bit to get rid of any burs that I might have put in it. I used 600 sandpaper and barely touched the surface, you dont want to sand any material off, just clean off the grime and any burrs.
I am currently making a kit for the NVG swap, it will be around $250-300. It will include, the front mount, the slave cylinder o-ring, spacers for the rear mount, all the bolts, custom made shift cable bracket and the cable extension and two new output shaft seals.
Guys please let me know if I am wrong on anything. I need to add a few more pics of the finished product.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edited Friday, October 17, 2008 2:40 PM
Dude... NICE!
Yes, noob, the search button is for you...
*forgot to subscribe, and add...
Yes, noob, the search button is for you...
There are only (2) years that are know besides a few in 92 that will work. I went to about 3 JY and never found a one.
Which years would those be, and from what vehicle? Just to help anyone else out.
tranny vehicle years are 1992-1994 ONLY
vehicles are : grand am,beretta,achieva,calais .... unless im mistaken thats all your gonna find it it...check the VIN the 8th digit should be the letter "A" ..all HOs only came with 5speed so if you find an HO car between 92 and 94 it should have the tranny needed.
OH I forgot to add. THIS tranny does not have 1st gear. When I got everything installed and ready to go. I tried to shift into the gears and none of them worked. Right now I have fixed all the gears except 1st. I am working on adjusting the cables so that it grabs a little better. There is a trick, if you put it in 1st while coming to a stop you can pretty much get 1st all the time. But that ruins the tranny.
I have the shifter going into 1st perfect but it likes to pop out 50% of the time, especially when I am the first in line at a red light. This is deffinitly a problem that I have to fix.
K, just a little update.
I got the car to shift into all the gears, still needs some tweeking, but all the gears work. Seemed that maybe beacuse I was using a short shifter that it was causing all my problems, but non the less everything works.
If you are planning on running a "K" brace make sure that you space it off about .5" so that it clears the transmission. Other than that everything is good.
how soon will your "kit" be ready? I'm in desperate need ASAP.
pretty neat...
but i hear all that you need to do for the one mount that doesnt fit right to work is machine it down and it fits...

failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
no not the cable bracket, the mount bracket.
u just have to machine down the poly mount for it to fit.

failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
Oh, yeah, umm, what? lol. IF, and thats an IF, you can get a front mount then all you have to do is machine down the poly to fit. But if not you have to have a custom one made, thats what I am doing, but I am making the center 4" so the factory bushing will slide in.
you and your custom crap

failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
well hes doing it because the front mount is no longer available..so anyone doing the swap WILL need a front mount..personally im glad hes making them since no one else is...i got lucky..my nvg came with mounts..
speaking of which...wheres my new cable bracket at??!!!
nice, would you sell my the bracket to hold the shift cable and the extension?
mine looks like crap lol!
I may have a NVG front mount and GM stamped steel shift cable bracket for sale next week. I know this against the rules to post stuff for sale but i want to help someone out.
The bracket i have is the stamped bracket and will have it next week. As well as the front mount. PM if interested.