like it states i installed the b+m shift plus and now my ets is off and my check engine light is on. is this normal?
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how do i get that just go to a shop and ask them? or is there an easier way?
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Go to Autozone or somewhere Similar and ask to have your code pulled and they'll do it. If its wired correctly, you should have nothing when its turned off, setting 1 should still be fine, I know my traction goes off in setting 2 but Ive never had a CEL.
ok well the guy said at first that it was the torque converter then changed his mind and said that it was the cat converter not getting hot enough. so this is no longer and isue with the transmission now is it? im an idiot so i have no idea what the torque converter is. my question now is should i move this to a different forum and if so which one do you suggest. thank you all for your help
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ive heard of the light coming on when not installed properly, i ahve never had any dash lights, or trac off lights come on, with mine on stage 1, 2 or off, and it works great when i feel like using it. i have 05 ecotec with 4t40e btw.
it was cleared up my cat is breaking down and clogging it up so im going to buy a new cat probly a high flow. im going to start a thread in the performance forum about which one to buy. again thank you for all your help.
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