So here is my my problem.
Wed nite i was driving and wasn't going more than 35MPH when i went to shif and started to push the clutch in and barly pushed it due to it feeling kina funny. So i let off, then pushed it back in again. I didn't even get half way with the pedle when it slammed to the floor on its own and stayed there. So i coasted in to a parking lot, poped the hood and there was hydralic fluid all over the trans and leaking to the ground.
So does anyone have any input on what might of happened?

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
mine had that turned out my reservoir slave clutch or clutch slave had kracked...600bucks later its fine..
Just had the same problem. Luckily I had extended warranty. I was 250 miles from home
The total bill was $1300 thru dealer.
if its dripping out of the inspection hole in the bellhousing its probably the slave ... not cheap to fix
if its leaking near the firewall or along the tubing/hose its probably the master
if you're lucky it'll be the c-clip or connection where it meets the slave, or the line on the resevoir or master cyl that let go but thats not usually the case.
14.82 @ 97 mph
well i lucked out... it was just the hydralic hose!!

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!