will being half way low on clutch fluid cause your clutch pedal to be soft? were you have to push the clutch alllll the way to the floor..i could start the car but
then comes shifting..it wont go into any gears??
Whats the story? Did you have it apart or something and you put it back together. If that is the case, you need to bleed the system.
nah its a 2005..i never took it apart..but i was reading in one of the forums that the master cyclinder brakes every 25000 miles!!
argh!! so on my way home from a part time job interview...haha on the free way i feel my clutch get soo soft that it stays on the floor!!! i cant switch gears for @!#$..
i see drips of cluth fluid/oil coming from under my tranny..so my guess is i have a leak (master)..this sucks!...
maybe not!
On my wifes 05 cavy the clutch line wore on a metal bracket in the engine bay till it cut, replaced and now it works fine, expensive part tho.

yea they replaced my r.e.clutch slave...$329.00 +labor..
everythings fine now...i hope this doesnt happen in another 2 yrs or 40,000miles
where is the clutch slave located on a 95-99?