just today my 2nd went out can't explain why. haven't had a problem one with my tranny. but today i get in my car drive down the road and as soon as i get to town stop at a light and then take off and shift into 2nd it kicks out when i touch the gas as soon as i let off it pops right back in on its own. i can downshift into it just fine no problem and it stays in when slowing down but as soon as i touch the gas it pops right back out. i thought maybe i could just hold it in with some pressure but it just grinds as soon as i hit the gas. idk if its something majorly wrong with my tranny or a simple fix, or even where to get a new or used tranny cheap. any help would be greatly appreciated.
seems to be problems with the 2nd gear on it. local guy had problems with his synchros and shifting fork. as i did as well. mine was fixed under warrenty with around 7-8k on it.
12.5@116 2.0 60ft
wow wished i was so lucky, only thing i had go out under waranty was the back up lights switch and the horn. lmao sounds funny the horn but hey i was gonna milk that waranty for all i could. sadly i have over 60,000 miles on it now. seems like when the waranty expired stuff started breaking. must be murphy's law or something. i went through an alternator and a battery and various other stuff to finally track it down to the main wiring harness with like 8-9 wires frayed and 4 completely in half shorting everything out. idk maybe its my luck.
Try new trans fluid first . my buddys cobalt is in the dealer for the same thing.
see ya!
Your problem is the 1 and 2 gear shift fork. The tips are worn, and it is not aligning properly.
FU Tuning
my buddy said the dealer said the nylon came off the shifter forks and he lost almost all the syncs they should get the parts monday and he will have the car no later than thursday.
see ya!
novaracer wrote:my buddy said the dealer said the nylon came off the shifter forks and he lost almost all the syncs they should get the parts monday and he will have the car no later than thursday.
Yeah when the shift gets messed up, and you keep trying to put it in gear, you will either mess up the syncro, or the gear it's self. I stripped off nearly half of my second gear because I kept trying.
FU Tuning
If you can't find it skip it!
We all drive in a yellow Cavalier...
Your problem is the 1 and 2 gear shift fork. The tips are worn, and it is not aligning properly.
is this what happens to the Isuzu tranny's 3-4 fork, and would it be worth fixing on that tranny?
(I have to slow-shift to upshift into 3rd, or it grinds)
LD9 F23 FTW!!
I brazed all the contact areas of the shift forks on Ben Jr s car. Milled them close and file fit them. after over two year they are holding up great. : just skipping the gear will not help they are still running metal to metal all the time:
Dave Wenzel wrote:I brazed all the contact areas of the shift forks on Ben Jr s car. Milled them close and file fit them. after over two year they are holding up great. : just skipping the gear will not help they are still running metal to metal all the time:
you know people would be willing to buy those
my car had that same issue, still had warranty but they after ripping it apart they had to replace the synchro's for #2
On Ben Jr s old wed site. www.benwenzeljr.com in the 2005 box then transmission box there is picture of the brazed shift fork. I file fit them with .0025 per side . Ben has used them on his street F-23 and they too have worked well . We took the transmission apart after around 10,000 miles and show very little wear .