HELP! - Transmission Forum

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007 10:48 AM
i was looking at this car and when i went to test drive it, it seemed alright , so i go out this guys drive way and when i go to shift into 2nd it wouldn't well it wouldn't really engauge the first time couple times. but it was fine after that and threw the next gears but when i went to turn around i had to back up(cuz i couldn't go forward any more) and it wouldn't for all i try go into rev. so then i ended up having to push it backwards which was retarded! and then when i tryed to take off it went threw 1st fine but then when i tryed second it wouldn't engauge for anything so then skipped second went right to 3rd. then when i was trying to go into 4th it wouldn't go either by this time I'm fairly upset cuz i thought i had found a heck of a deal on this car but nope. so i took it easy in 5th tell i got back and when i got back i asked him and he said it worked fine for him when he drove it. so he got in tryed rev. and it rolled but that could of just been from being a manual. so WTF please tell me what might be wrong with it. oh ya the clutch doesn't disengage i think is the word im looking for untell its 3/4 of the ways out. and this car is a 2000 cavi 2200 manual. so any help is greatly appreciated( yes i know i suck at spell and English!)

Wednesday, April 04, 2007 7:06 PM
Wednesday, April 04, 2007 7:49 PM
sounds like synchros are going out in the tranny.


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