i cant remember if i am supposed to use that steel shim (flywheel saver) with my aluminum flywheel.
can someone give me some insite
someone said yes
another said no
but it did come with one
thanks for the help
We have never used it in any of our installs. I guess we have never installed one that it had it in the box. The auto trans has a shim between the flex plate and the bolts, but never saw one on a manual flywheel...
Anyone else?
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i remember you saying that but it actually came with one. so i was kinda surprised. i mean hardened steel against aluminum . i thought the shim was supposed to be there.
yeah does anyone else have something to add. im just confused
Aaron did u get my message i left you. i had 2 other questions besides the flywheel and throw out bearing one. do u remember what they were?
thanks ahead of time guys