i cant figure this out....in my driveway if u put the clutch to the floor and try to put it in reverse...u cant cause the clutch is still spinning......
i just had this transmission put in a week ago by a pro.........
i was told the slave cylinder wasnt bled enough....
is that wat could cause this or does sumthing need to be tightened or loosened.....
any help appreciated
you scratch my ride IMA EAT YO CHILDREN
and yes i put the clutch in 1st before moving to reverse....but it still spins and wont stop
you scratch my ride IMA EAT YO CHILDREN
Sounds odd that someone who knows what they are doing idn't bleed the slave? Try that first and then see what happens. Is reverse the onyl gear you can't shift into? If so then it might be a linkage thing.
i went and he bled the slave...it had alot of air in it....much better now tranny runs fine....thanx for all the suggestions
you scratch my ride IMA EAT YO CHILDREN
Your definition of pro may be off a little, but I've heard they are biatches to bleed.
well hes certified...its a local shop....
you scratch my ride IMA EAT YO CHILDREN
Yeah I was just kidding, other than hearing the clutch is a pita to bleed. Glad you got r done