i was reading the library earlier today and i saw that there is a transmission module that can allow you to modify line pressure and torque convertor settings.
is this possible on all the automatics or a specific kind.
i have the 4spd auto in my cav and was just curious. i would definatly be interested in this if i could improve my fuel economy with it by making the torque convertor lock up sooner and increase my line pressure slightly.
It's called the Autotrans Interceptor... available all over the place... only works on 4 speed autos, so you qualify
I Just Installed it like 4 hrs ago ... it is great... way more hp you can feel..and torque... i can do long burnouts now just by hardly touchin the gas...I'll admit i probably have crappy tires though... So far i likey...

Oh man its great on the FreeWay also..!!!
Dyno it. You'll see it's only at part throttle, full throttle is unaffected.
Actually, don't waste your money dyno'ing that garbage. Karo already did, it gave him MAYBE 1 hp gain. Enough that could have been dyno error.
You want more power? Push the pedal down further.
NA man I got everything stock and then i put it on and i can feel sooo much of a difference...(For what you call 1 hp) #'s aint anything its how much you can fell of a difference. Wowa I cant wait to get my high flow cat... that will be like 2 more hp I cant wait...!!!!!
Lenko, John Lenko wrote:Dyno it. You'll see it's only at part throttle, full throttle is unaffected.
Actually, don't waste your money dyno'ing that garbage. Karo already did, it gave him MAYBE 1 hp gain. Enough that could have been dyno error.
You want more power? Push the pedal down further.
Uhhh.... I posted this in the wrong thread. it was meant for the JET chip thread (which IS garbage)
The Autotrans Interceptor is a great mod. I had one, it was fabulous. I highly recommend it.
Now, to put down the crack pipe...
Oh... Its all good... i thought you were just being an A** Hole...
Never mind that.., But yeah its a great mod... I woulnt suggest to put it on your car if your car is just a commuter car, work and home again, if you kno what i mean... it is for if you like to race around everywhere. I dont think its good for your car if you are going pretty slow alot.....
How hard is it to install? Would it work on an 04 auto cavy?
you want it WHEN??
It fits on all 4speed. It ain't hard. plug one end on the tranny and the other on the plug. Adjust the module and go.
I'm using the B&M shift plus so I had to solder 2 wires.
2.3 Ho
There was a few people that had probs with one of these though, either the shiftplus or the interceptor after using it for a few years.
If anyone that has either of these could post your thoughts it would be greatfully helpful.
you can have problems with a stock trans after a few years too...
was the issue resolved by removing the interceptor/shiftplus? if not, then its hard to say what might have actually caused the failure.
One thing to keep in mind is that these things increase line pressure and firm up the shifts, basically making the trans components work a little harder... it would be wise to install an air-air trans cooler along with the trans controller, its not hard and they sell for like $50 or so.
Arrival Blue 04 LS Sport
'Nuff said
hey guys I got a 1999 z24 with a auto 4 speed I like to race but I need a little more edge on the standerd trans guys so I wana know if this mod will help me out eny info would be mutch apreacated