As the title says transmission stuck to motor. started to tear the tranny out so I can find out if my pressure plate and other things are loss and find out what caused second gear to quit working. did it just like the last time I tore it out except this time I have a engine hoist and tranny jack. But only thing is It is stuck to the motor seperated about 2" from the motor and that is where it stays. Anyone have any ideals what would be causing this. i tried rehooking my slave back up seeing if that was the cause of it but I got no where. won't even bleed right.
it is appearing to me that the throwout bearing is sicking on the pressure plate. but I'm unsure of what I will need to do to seperate. Because when I rehook the clutch lines and pump the peddle it starts to leak out of the throwout bearing. or atleast sounds and appears to be. Is there any way to disenage it without using the clutch peddle or is it basically stuck like that unless I can find a way to break it loose?
Alright tranny is unstuck and sitting on the floor. Anyone ever have a throwout bearing explode?
of which? it being stuck or it seperated now? or pics of the throwout bearing
the throwout bearing exploded when you rehooked it and pumped it with the engine and trans seperated
sig not found
^ Yup.
Easiest way to kill the slave.
It was stuck prior to me hooking it back up tho.
also appears to be chips taken out of the fingers on the pressure plate. It may have explode more but shouldn't ahve grounded the roller bearings that where in it. There deformed, and there is abunch of metal shavings. I will have to try and get some better pics of the clutch with the marks. will that harm the way it runs?
gawd damn, get some gloves.
I wish I had some with how my hands feel right now. haha. But I have a hard time working with gloves. I need to feel what I'm working with. bad thing I picked up. I use the feel especially when I can't see.
eh, Sunfires... (Tom) wrote:gawd damn, get some gloves.
Wuss!!! Whats da' matta, don't want to ruin your manicure?..........................................
Need a new throwout bearing? If you do, I have one you can buy. I bought a SPEC clutch and it came with one for the Isuzu 95-99 tranny. I swapped in the NVG, so I had to buy a different one for it. Let me know if you want it.

2010 Subaru Impreza WRX Limited
1999 Cavalier Z24 Supercharged
1999 Grand AM SE (Beater Car)
1997 GMC Sierra
2007 Honda CBR 600RR
2005 Honda TRX450R
im the same way with gloves , even when i pack wheel bearings i cant wear gloves
that bearing looks like hell
what kinda problem were you having that caused you to pull it apart ???
I had just replaced the clutch, throwout bearing. And opened my transmission up and fixed the issue I was having there. didn't want to shift into 2nd gear. I went 60 some miles and it quit wanting to go into second agian forgot to pinch the nut. And right after that the throwout bearing started to want to work in reverse. then quit completely. I still have my factory throwout bearing which appears to be in good shape but replaced it with the spec stage one kit. and Then it died. So I'm opening transmission up to see if it is what it was before. And fix it if it is then take it to a transmission shop and have them look the guts completely over and make sure it isn't something else as well.
[quote=97cavie24ls(JDM&00s/c sedans™)]im the same way with gloves , even when i pack wheel bearings i cant wear gloves
that bearing looks like hell
what kinda problem were you having that caused you to pull it apart ???
Not even when packing wheel bearings?
Geez, I put gloves on when working on interior things.
Like said above I just paid good money for my manicure. So I don't want to mess that up.
Back to the subject at hand, the fingers on the pressure plate may be damaged. Post up some close ups of the cover.
Will get them up tomorrow. But I have a feeling they are. In which case I'm probably gonna have to get a new plate now wouldn't I?
Let me know the verdict guys, cause spec won't do anything to replace it cause it has been more than 120 days. Even tho it only got between 60 and 80 miles put on it.
My internet was messing up. Should be back up agian.
Looks like something was smashing against the fingers of the pressure plate. Anything loose or missing? Aside from the messed up slave?
Bolts all intact?
yeah all bolts were intact. Will double check it. So Prolly not safe to reuse the pressure plate then is it?
Anyone have any ideals what it would be to replace the fingers on the pressure plate? Cause I'm probably gonna package it back up and send it back to spec but I'm not sure what it will cost to have the stuff replaced. Cause I know they won't do @!#$ for nothin'.