Hey guys i was wondering if anyone knew for sure if the bolt pattern on the RWD tranny for the solstice ans sky is the same as the pattern on the fwd getrag. I know it has the 2.4 eco, but i would imagien itd be the same as the 2.2, just with a displacment increase. Thanks.
Dreams do come true....
<img src = "http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/96sunfireconvt/ModdedFireBlue.jpg">
all the eco tec's use the same bolt pattern for the trans
the trans in the solstice/sky is out of the colorado/canyon
2.4l VVT Eco and RWD Getrag swap time

my thoughts exactly....
and i happen to know local shop that is ripping the stock drivetrain's out of the solstice for a z06 drivetrain... sweet as that would be he has nothing to do with the stock stuff...
me goes on search for solid bodied non running j....

Even though I don't mind helping people out and answering questions but now that the Soltice is out and people are figuring out that it's an ECOTEC and RWD, we are going to get tons of questions on if it will work or if anyone has done it. Being that it is either barely out or not out yet, those types of questions are just plain speculation for now. Sure we know little facts about them but people are going to expect an answer...
I'm just saying, prepare for 2 times more threads about this type of topic.
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
True, it is purely speculation, i just wanted to know if it was the same bolt pattern, i know it probably hasnt been done, and most likely wont be, its just an idea. I was think more along the lines of mid engine longitudinal RWD though

I know itll be $$$$$ but its a dream and an idea
Dreams do come true....
<img src = "http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/96sunfireconvt/ModdedFireBlue.jpg">
for a mid engine you would want to keep the cavalier trans axle
keep the engine weight over the center line of the rear tires
I had thought of that, as many cars have that sort of layout. But i have noticed most manufacturers that make solely mid engined cars use a longitudinal layout. I think this is to keep most of the weight(driver/passengers, and engine) in the center of the vehicle, to maintain proper weight distribution. It seems having it that far to the rear in our cars at least would put the weight balance too far to the rear, and make it easy to spin out. Im not saying your wrong or im right, its just what i have noticed. I am planning this for a LOOOOONG term project so i hope to experiment with both types and see what offers the greatest weight balance. This is all speculation, but as long as the bolt pattern is in fact the same, as i think it is agreed it is, then at least i can try both when the time comes.
Dreams do come true....
<img src = "http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/96sunfireconvt/ModdedFireBlue.jpg">
the fiero , and the nsx both have the motor sideways
i think alot of it has to do with the over all length of the car , having the motor run front to back , add in the over all length of the car , if you want to keep the driver and passenger room , putting the motor sideways , keeps the over all length down
but the eco , and the 2.8(4cyl) and 3.5(5cyl) vortec motors all use the same belhousing pattern
the solstice trans was removed from the colorado/canyon trucks , and droped right into the solstice , only change that was made was to shifter to make it a faster throw , and shorter
I actually just noticed that when i looked at my car yesterday. I know fieros use the transverse setup, and judging from the distance from the rear wheeels to the front seats there isnt room in our cars for a longitudinal setup, so it looks like this topic doesnt even matter, and it be even easier, in respect, to do
Dreams do come true....
<img src = "http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/96sunfireconvt/ModdedFireBlue.jpg">
im still planing on a rwd set up for my 97 Z24
just not a mid engine set up , all though part of the motor will be under the cowl , or atleast im guessing , it really depend how much of the rack interfears
Even if it bolts up, you still have to turn your engine 90 degrees, and that's not going to be any fun.
RWD conversion IMO isn't worth the cost.
Just get a sky or a solstice instead.

its gonna be a race car , so cost isnt even a consideration
plus im doing cause everyone says its not worth it
[quote=97cavie24ls(JDM&00s/c sedans™)]its gonna be a race car , so cost isnt even a consideration
plus im doing cause everyone says its not worth it

, gl man. I'm not going to RWD but I will be purchasing the $1500 quaife LSD in the next year or 2, so I can't really talk either.
I figure I'll be done modding when I've invested as much into my car as I paid for it.... But then again I'd probably be lieing if I said that.
