My cars not very old (3900 miles). I drive it very well, only 1st day was bad. Now I want to teach a girl to drive it too. How bad is it when the car stalls, clutch gets dropped into gear, an occasional grind, etc. on the car? Especially a car of this young age? Is it worth it or not to teach someone yet?
Words that you can't use in modding: Finished, Perfect, Cheap.
its more wear and tear on you than the trans, wear a neckbrace. hope your a patient person or shes a quick learner. good luck, your car will be fine.
lol, that's good to hear. I'm looking forward to it, and hopefully I'll be ready for the jolts without a neckbrace! haha,
Words that you can't use in modding: Finished, Perfect, Cheap.
My girlfriend stalled the car so much the check engine light came on. I decided I didn't have the patience. It did go away the next morning however I think it was the cars way of telling me it was pissed.
Yeah my fiance is getting an RX-8 in january and she wants me to teach her how to drive a manual. So I'm letting her drive my car to learn how. She done pretty well so far. I'm still worried about her getting on the road and getting nervous an freakin out. Its scary stuff.
i taught my girl how to drive a stick
it was a bit stressfull
and my car was easier to launch do to the mods but she still killed it alot and sent it jerking
remember to tell her not to try to force it in gear when downshifting. there's a reson it's not going. my second gear is a little harder to get into on the 1-2shift @ high rpm now.
"I'm a product, of my environment
So don't blame me, I just work here
But I wanna f*** it up"
Offspring - americana
New 5-spd drivers are only really hard on the clutch. Unless you grind gears, you're only being hard on the tranny. Obviously grinding gears is never good so try and minimize that.
I wouldn't worry about teaching people how to properly downshift until they've gotten the hang of it. Too much at once.
Club Vantage :: :: RIP Trux0r...
i taught my brother while my clutch was slipping so it was easy for him to get the basics on how it works. he stalled a couple times. and got the hang of it now he can drive a working clutch.
Derek724 wrote:My cars not very old (3900 miles). I drive it very well, only 1st day was bad. Now I want to teach a girl to drive it too. How bad is it when the car stalls, clutch gets dropped into gear, an occasional grind, etc. on the car? Especially a car of this young age? Is it worth it or not to teach someone yet?
I don't want to sound like I'm putting you down at all... but perhaps teaching someone to drive stick is best left to someone who has had a little more experience? Not only with driving a stick, but also with teaching. Teaching is a difficult skill to master, at any age. (Think of how many "good" teachers vs. "bad" teachers you've had during your school years)
I suppose the best way to learn is just to go and do it.... but if it's causing more frustration than good.... maybe it's best to have her learn it on someone else's car
We gave it a shot and only 3 stalls til the launches were down. Pretty good since she didn't know what a clutch was before getting in.
Words that you can't use in modding: Finished, Perfect, Cheap.
i learned on my clutch when i got the car at 44004, then i taught this chick and my brother and i still have no problems with anything, i love it
I got the general idea and basic learning on a stick in an 89 Supra Turbo, LOL. That was kinda hard to do. Then I got my 05, stalled maybe twice getting used to a fresh clutch, and bam, was good to go
So how is it going from a bike to a car?? I have a crotch rocket, and that's the only manual I've ever driven. The first day was a real bidnatch getting it home, but now I'm pretty good at it. Anyone know how much easier/harder a car is compared to my bike?
the concept is the same but its totally different from a bike. ive let 1 person who didnt know how to drive a stick drive my car, yes it was a very rough
OK, I know w/ my bike if I let the clutch out too fast when stopped it'll bog down and stall easy - it's a 2005 Kawi ZX6R BTW, has slipper clutch. Other than that, while moving I can do up or down-shifts in probably about 1/2 second (pull clutch, nudge shifter up or down, release clutch) but I know that J's cannot do it that fast even with a short shifter.
Will cars stall out at a stop as easily as bikes? I see manual cars/trucks 'rolling back' all the time in 1st gear at lights, probably due to gearing, but it seems kinda weird to me b/c I'm used to going forward in 1st gear (well, any gear haha). I'm just wondering which one is easier - in each way (ie from a stop, and while moving). My guess is that cars are easier to get moving from a stop and bikes (or at least slipper-clutch-equipped bikes) are easier when already moving. Sound about right??
I think I need a few hundred bucks to buy a beater manual...
I would think a bike would be harder, but I have no idea how to drive a bike! so I don't know. You would learn really quick on a car if you just drove it.
Words that you can't use in modding: Finished, Perfect, Cheap.
Cars roll back because of shear mass. The big trucks are more noticeable.
I came from driveing a tractor to a manual car. Takes about a week or two to get the clutch down and about a month to start to smooth your shifting out. I wouldn't start doing down shifting untill your good with your cluch and your shifts are smooth. Just leave the clutch in and shift down the gears while you press on the brakes. When you learn to use what gear at what speed, then you can be in the propper gear when you need to accelerate. Downshifting is going to take rev matching or you will break your neck.
Hills take a bit to master but learning where your clutch engages will make them mutch easyer.
Oh, the gen 3 j's have a very touchy clutch and very low 1st and 2nd gear. So even an exprenced manual driver can stall a few times. I stalled it when I first drove it off the lott
You can't compare a clutch system on a bike and a car at all. A bike's clutch is a wet clutch, as opposed to a car. A car will stall MUCH easier then a bike just because of the huge weight difference.
A J-Body is a good car to learn to drive stick on though. Of all the other cars i've ever driven, the Cavalier's clutch is the most forgiving.
Club Vantage :: :: RIP Trux0r...
Hey just whip out your "summer sausage" and show her that way then once she gets that down then try in the car
I learned on my car when it was brand new.
Be very easy with her.
My wife(fiance at the time) didn't grind gears once, but stalled a good bit.
Basics before they touch the car.
1.) Always have the clutch in when starting the car.
2.) Don't touch the shifter unless the clutch is pressed in all the way
3.) If the car is stalling push in the clutch and then the brake.
4.) Don't be afraid to rev up the car a little bit
if you follow those 2 rules you'll only face clutch wear.
I'm at 50K with plenty of autocrosses, myself and my wife learning on my car, and my first week with the car was pretty helacious on the clutch, and I still have the original clutch and it still grips great.
And, btw the 05 cavi she bought is ALSO a manual. So apparently I've done well
taught ex g/f (she didnt stall once or grind the gears on first time driving a stick) taught college roomate, parents, sister and a friend everything still going good. had the car since almost 11k miles on it i'm at 28k now
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