I have a 3 spd transmission in a 98 2.2, I can tell by looking at it, and it goes PRND21. So why around 35-40mph does it shift into a 4th gear, the engne rpms drop and the car keeps accelerating.
what? If you have a 3 speed gearbox that means that you have no 4th gear. Please explain yourself.
2003 Cavalier 2dr. 5spd
Thats probably just the torque converter locking up that you feel.
Yes, Whoy202 is correct. What you are feeling is the Torque converter clutch locking up. Instead of using the fluid to move the car the clutch locks up, so yuo dont turn as high of an RPM to maitain the same speed.
torque concerter clutch !!! it seems like 4th but isnt
indeed, tcc apply is just like 4th gear.nice eh?
hmmmm, Is the torque converter electrically controled ?
If so, can you trick the computer so it can activate earlier ( at low rpm)
If is not electricaly controled, then is there any way to get more torque at low RPM ?
because my 2200 is sooooooooooooooooooo SLOW, Its slower than a cow and I know the transmition is the worste thing, thats why I havnt mod the engine....not worth
I need a new sig =(
The TCC in the 3T40/TH125C isn't electonically controled. It uses an electrical pressure switch to control the TCC solinoid. The PCM will turn off the TCC, to protect the tranny,and turn on the CEL, if it reads too much of a descrepancy between the engine RPM and the VSS speed . Aside from above, the tranny operates on line pressure and valves with in itself.