Well I bought one of the Yank torque converters...Here is my setup.....
Transmission- Torque Converter, Shiftplus
My current temp range for the tranny is from 180-200....
When I'm towing my jet ski it usually stays right around 195-210...
So for you guys that know about tranny coolers what size would you recommend??
Thanks to everyone
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is that 180-200 temp with or without the new converter?
04 sunfire auto, mid 15's n/a, and still going
Sorry thats without the converter....I haven't even received it yet
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your best bet would be to install the new converter and then recheck your operating temps and then when looking for a cooler they usually state how much they will lower the temps.
im in the same boat i will be installing the same converter next monday and will have to find out also. but it does vary on your driving to if you drive the car hard, or tow alot all the time you may need a bigger cooler then someone who drives it nice and only is hard on it at the track.
04 sunfire auto, mid 15's n/a, and still going
Just because of how hot FWD works you might have to look for a cooler intended for an RV or HD truck!
if 210 is the highest your getting for heat, i wouldn't even worry about it, when it hits 240 then u would need one, also where is the sensor for the tranny guage that makes a world of difference on numbers
Its not how fast your car goes....its how much nerve the driver has to push it that fast.
I got the sensor mounted just below where the coolant lines go in....there was a bolt that I took out and put this in place........Is there somewhere else you recommend???
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alright let me rephrase the question is the sensor plumbed into the return line, or output line from the tranny?
Its not how fast your car goes....its how much nerve the driver has to push it that fast.
id get the bigest 1 you can fit the cooler the better
im getting the b&m cooler with the fan , its the bigger of the 2
you dont want to overcool the fluid. it needs to get to operating tempature and maintain it. just doublecheck and make sure you put the cooler before the factory one so that if it does overcool the one in the radiator will bring it back up to the needed temp. i know this sounds rediclious but its true
99 Turbo Sunfire GT | Ram 2500 | International Rollback | Mr Hanky the Suburban
Littlebill- This is where I've got my sensor at....its below the lines goin into the tranny....there is a plug there that I took out and have had it there since this time last year....
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hmm, thats hard to decifer then, if its the raditator itself and all it seeing is 200, u don't have a problem at all, if that is on the return line to the tranny, then i would be concerned, but i don't think u know , but honestly i think your fine without one
how much did the sensor cost?
Its not how fast your car goes....its how much nerve the driver has to push it that fast.
Look at the pic upside down....U will see where the auto transceptor is hooked up ....then the coolant lines...then the sensor I put in is on the bottom of the tranny....That pic was taken from underneath the car....I couldnt find anywhere else to hook up the sensor to.........and the temp fluctuates from 180-195 on normal driving around......sometimes goes to 200 when im not movin in traffic...not too concerned with that.........but my biggest concern was when im towing the jet ski cause it heats up faster.....so I was thinkin when I get the torque converter in then its gonna heat up even more....which is why I wanted to get a tranny cooler....
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ive always used a bigger than needed , and i do not loop it through the radiator
and ive never had any problems with any trans
bobby i figured thats on the test port now, lookin at it closer, so based on that, ur fine no big issues, if ur pullin and see 230 or better then its time to get one, other then that ur fine
Its not how fast your car goes....its how much nerve the driver has to push it that fast.
i was playing with 1 of those gauges that gives you the same info as a scan tool
and the trans temp sitting still was with in a couple degrees of the temp the pcm is seeing , and going down the road this morning on my way to work , they were never more than 10 degrees difference between my autometer gauge and what the computer is seeing
the port under the trans cooler lines is cooler than where the pcm measures temp at
^^ Was ur autometer gauge hooked into where I've got mine??/
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yes exactly the same as the pic that is posted
The operating temp's should be between 175* and 195* for the longest life from your tranny. Anything lower than 175* and moisture build up in the tranny becomes a factor for the clutches, bands and valves. Anything higher and you progressively shorten the life of the tranny. Although 210* isn't too bad, I would try to keep it a little cooler.
The higher stall rating on the TC will raise the temps, so a cooler is a good idea. Check with the cooler manufacturers(if they have a tech line) and see what they would recommend, or what the packaging says.
Ok, this is my arguement why you can't have too big of a cooler.
Condition one:
The transmission is really hot so the cooler uses heat convection to remove heat from the system.
Condition two:
Normal driving, tranny not very hot. Little difference in heat so heat convection doesnt work. The cooler isn't overcooling the tranny.