for those who have installed the B&M short shifter on a 03-04 cavalier. what is your opinion on it. how much shorter are the throws.
28% reduction on the throw.
its very nice
except it helps me bark second when i dont want to
quite a bit shorter. also has a much stronger feel to it.... after all, aluminium beats plastic. be careful in the cold though.
I love that shifter. I haven't got to go to the track yet, but it does make the car feel faster when you lay on it. the gear switch is so much quicker and shorter now, it's just ridiculous---probably the best $140 I have spent yet.
well the stock stick is metal, but the b&m unit is very very nice, shifts nice, installs nice, it should have been stock
You'll never touch God's hand
You'll never taste God's breath
Because you'll never see the second coming
Life's too short to be focused on insanity
I've seen the ways of God
I'll take the devil any day
Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
I would once in a while get on it 1st thru 4th changin gears with out letting off the gas and there would be once in a great while i would miss 3rd..... but since I installed the b&m ive havent had a problem finding gears. Usually I take off spinning get 2 second chrip with a lil spin, then third with a loud chirp. tearing thru gears has never been easier since i installed my b&m btw i have a 02 cavalier. My buddy has a 03 and i can do the same thing with his and he has a spec stage 2 clutch in his car
J-Bo driver once again.......







Chris I was very skeptical also. I thought that the stocker was pretty tight and it looked nice with the silver numbers. But then I put in the B&M and I couldn't believe that I didn't install it two years ago when I bought the car! Definitely worth the money. The install is easy. Driving was fun before, but it is an amazing difference now. Much tighter throws, and a lot faster off of the line. Not any slop either. It is a must mod.
Yes, get it! I drove my friends 04 sunfire and was so impressed with it that i got right in my cav and drove to buy one on the spot. I would say its the best mod i have done to the car. You won't feel like your driving a truck any more!!