I am buying a used 2.4 isuzu tranny, it is being shipped to europe, I'm getting it at a good price and it shifted fine when removed, but since its used and going to another country, i wanna have spare parts for it, i'm thinking of going to the wreakers and pulling a few parts from trannys or buying some old trannys and salvage the working parts (maybe some parts from a 2.2) i dont have the money at the moment to buy a re-built tranny and they are expensive here (toronto, cananda)....this is the best solution for me, I have access to a garage so labour is not a problem and i can do the work myslef, im just wondering what are some parts i should start looking for, Thanks in advance.
most common problems I would say is the differential and the syncros.
Is there a way to check a differential when its out of the car (tranny taken apart) to see if its still works good without problems?
well I broke reverse gear ....................................if that helps

I ain't callin u a gold digga,but you ain't messin wit a broke cracka
Inspect the gears of the differential to make sure they dont have any stress fractures, and make sure they are not pitted out on the contact surfaces. That is what they do just before they start breaking. Since you are going to have it apart, just get a differential out of the 91-93 geo storm, or isuzu impulse and use it. Just remember to swap the ring gear and the speedo gear...Those diffy gears are much stronger than the ones in the late model isuzu trannies.
Synchros are weak in the brass blocking rings. The rest of the synchro is pretty tough, but the brass blocking rings are soft, and grind down. Look at the teeth on the ring. If they are still pointy, they are fine, but if they are rounded off, or have some visible damage, you should replace them.
The gears themselves are virtually bulletproof...I have dropped them on a cement floor multiple times and the only result was a chip in the cement. The gears were unaffected.
Change all the seals (input shaft, differential side bearing,etc) to make sure it wont leak.
I have had output shaft bearings go bad on mine. I just got new ones, so I will have to look into changing them out soon.
That is about it.
-da chinchilla
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