Hi guys i need your help ASAP, i'm getting a new trans put in this saturday, but my brother (Trans tech. for a Ford dealer) who is doing the install said that there were 2 different size transmission coolant lines in 97'.
Could someone please tell me the correct size of the lines?
I've got a 97' 2.4 (w/4t40e)
thanks ALOT!!
I just installed my tranny cooler today and had to get the fittings for the cooler lines. I have the 3T40 3sp, but the lines should all be the same. Mine uses 3/8" inverted flair fittings for the lines going into the factory tranny cooler.
cool, thanks
i forgot to check what people were using for tranny coolers.
I'm trying to install a temp gauge, if you remove the lines and quickly screw in a brass T-fitting will the line piss trans fluid everywhere or will I have a little time while it slowly drips? Since it's a HP line i'm guessing it will piss out but figured I'd ask since I've never removed them.