I have a 2000 cavalier 2.2, 3 speed transmission and i have had a check engine light on. i just took it to autozone and it read p1870. it said it was a problem with the transmission. The car is driving fine, no problems shifting or noticing anything wrong. i just changed the tranmission fluid and filter about 2 months ago and everything looked good. i just hit 110,000 miles on the car and there is nothing wrong with anything else. all highway miles and i always take car of everything. anybody out there having the same problem or know what this could be???
I had the same problem... noticed the no problems when driving then all of a sudden it started takening a couple of second to move when i put it in drive then the tranny finally went one day at work and would barly move. It got me home though then that was it tranny was gone. It cost me 1500. My tranny went at about 98,000 I am at 99,000 now.
Just take to someone and have it checked out so you dont get stuck.
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/pinssunfire/myfire3.jpg">