hey guys i got my stage 2 supercharged grind cams from JBP in the other day and im waiting for some timing area parts to come in so i can start her up! JBP said anywhere from 22-365 hp people are seeing, im running 14.1 now do you think with the stage 2's installed ill be mid 13's? any predictions, ill see for myself once the installation is finished but til then i cant wait to see my numbers.
no they're not ment for boost aplications. the duration is to long on them for boosting. try giving them a call if you want some cams for boost applications. or even do a secret cam swap if you havent already theres plenty of posts about them
Z Speed Cavi wrote:no they're not ment for boost aplications. the duration is to long on them for boosting. try giving them a call if you want some cams for boost applications. or even do a secret cam swap if you havent already theres plenty of posts about them
Not ment for boost or not ment for turbocharged motor??? There is a big diiference. Turbocharged motors might not like the lengthened duration but a supercharged motor might.
Cams for a turbocharged motor will work better with a shorter duration simply for the fact they have an extremely restrictive exhaust system. When you have extreme backpressure in the exhaust manifold like turbocharged motors have it makes it harder for the motor to inhale air when the intake valves open during the over lap before the exhaust valves have closed due to the backpressure.
Supercharged and N/A motors don't face the same problem caused by overlap because they don't have the extreme backpressure on the exhaust side like a turbo motor does.
I hope that makes some sense.....
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
when i ordered them from JBP they said do you have a supercharger and i said yeah and they said they gave me the cams that would go with the gm charger good.
even on the order sheet it says special order, supercharged grind so im pretty sure they set me up pretty good with the right cams.
jsunfireGT2000 wrote:even on the order sheet it says special order, supercharged grind so im pretty sure they set me up pretty good with the right cams.
a supercharger grind and stage 2 are going to be much different. i hope they work out for ya man.
I was a retard, and now I'm permanently banned.
hold on, the order sheet says supercharged grind, i assumed that was stage 2's so my bad guys, so i guess ill be alright.
OWNED by the invoice paper
Does the invoice says what the lift and duration of the supercharged cams are??
99 Z24
#25 to register on JBO!!
Racers Edge
Johnny Mack Turbo Systems
Engineered Performance
Damn, so the stage twos will not be good for the GM SC? Any more input, I was just about to buy them assuming that since it was not a turbo car they would be great.
More input with anyone with GM SC and JBP stge two cams!
http://members.cardomain.com/vertz24 1998 Z24 Convertible
the stage 2's are great, my top end has no lag whatsoever, its like from 50-110 shes alot better than w/o the cams, plus im untuned so it will even get better.
So are they the SC cams, or the regular stge two cams? I have the chance to buy the stage two but want it to work well with the GM SC.
http://members.cardomain.com/vertz24 1998 Z24 Convertible
mine are the s/c grind cams for the gm charger, i called them and said i have the gm charger and i need a set of cams and they hooked me up with these for 400ish bucks USD.
Overlap is a non issue, turbo, or no turbo(or S/C). It is for the most part a myth.
You cam for your intended RPM range regardless.
Use a duration apropriate for the RPM you want to run, and you will be fine.
As I recall, those cams are very short on duration, around 200 at .050"(if he will even tell you), so you'll be fine. For low RPM, like 6000-6500, you would be fine up to about 210 at .050" (like the HO cams) with no issues at all.
I am a custom cam grinder with several turbo race, and street cars, and have experimented a great deal with this.