Well guys I was at NOPI Drags tonight and ran once again my 2 best times .
first pass.
60 foot-----1.788
--------------86.43 mph
--------------109.71 mph
second run
----------------86.09 mph
-----------------108.74 mph
Bill Hahn Jr. was there for the race and we talked and he saw the slips.
Bracket 14 elimination is tomorrow so wish me luck.
The car is pretty consistent, I hope I do good cause pay out is not too shabby at all and I am not running that many quicker and more consistent cars than mine.
Very fun event.
If anyone asks, this was done on 12 psi 24.5 x 8.5 xR15 slicks. Bone stock Ecotec L61.
Best time:"""11.946""" @ 114.73 mph @17psi 1.83--60"
11 second daily driver!!!!
Race Related 727-561-9440
Shop of choice for your 11 second J body!
Also, built bottom end and or top end LSJ and L61's available.



nice passes guys. get the slicks off now and see what you can do!!

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
Ha, ha I told you I had something else up the sleeve. I called 12.60's too, Damn I know this car. lol
When you talk to the Pros!! I ain't saying no names.
Certain parson told me, ""Do a burn out just like I told you, and you're gonna start hooking like it's noones business""!!!!
I am going in the morning early so me and Bill can chat some more, I like talking to him for some reason.
Thanks Hypsy.
This coming out of Bills mouth.
I showed him the slips, and he was like, ""Now, he's gonna want the slicks"" We were talking about you. lol
Best time:"""11.946""" @ 114.73 mph @17psi 1.83--60"
11 second daily driver!!!!
Race Related 727-561-9440
Shop of choice for your 11 second J body!
Also, built bottom end and or top end LSJ and L61's available.



Good Luck! Lovin the times!

Performance Parts For Cavalier, Sunfire, Cobalts and More!!!
good job!
great times!!!! keep it up
Thanks for the props guys.
Best time:"""11.946""" @ 114.73 mph @17psi 1.83--60"
11 second daily driver!!!!
Race Related 727-561-9440
Shop of choice for your 11 second J body!
Also, built bottom end and or top end LSJ and L61's available.



amazing times, someday i hope to hit 12's, i know i need alot of suspension and tranny work first, hoping to get that done this winter then maybe i will see.

607 Motorsports is your one stop performance and car specialties shop, we can do anything your imagination holds. Check us out at www.cardomain.com/id/jimmyc99z24
i might have to take a trip down there tomorrow and see the cavy my self!
lol, where do you live austins04cavy??
Well, come on down, me and Bill Jr. will be there, I am gonna try to get some videos of some 12.60 passes tomorrow.
Got to get some sleep now, got a few things to mess with before I go out and I got to be there before 10am.
No sleep for me.
Best time:"""11.946""" @ 114.73 mph @17psi 1.83--60"
11 second daily driver!!!!
Race Related 727-561-9440
Shop of choice for your 11 second J body!
Also, built bottom end and or top end LSJ and L61's available.



nice, samo napred
Real cars don't make power at the front wheels......
this is awesome.. way to go Jasmin!!!
I wanna see a stock motor Jbody in the 11's...
wow.. thats just crazy man!
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
kick ass. post some videos.
btw, hows the spec III holding up? u have the 4 or 6 puke?
13 psi and climbing......
It's a 6 puck from Car Customs, and the flywheel and the clutch are holding up super good.
Thanks guys, I am gonna go and work on it some before I go out, and I will ask my boy to bring a camera and get some videos for you all.
11's ah Phil, I got something up my sleeve hopefully things go good 15-16 psi.
But we have to see.
Gonna go and have some fun.!!
Best time:"""11.946""" @ 114.73 mph @17psi 1.83--60"
11 second daily driver!!!!
Race Related 727-561-9440
Shop of choice for your 11 second J body!
Also, built bottom end and or top end LSJ and L61's available.



I'm impressed, hope you can top it today.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
wow, I am really impressed, that is a SOLID 12 second car.
but as hypsy said I would like to know what it could run on street tires or drag radials so you have somewhat of a better clue what it runs on the track
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
Very good times!!!!! Good luck today. Hopefully you can take the class your running.
FU Tuning
I wish i had more money

maybe next year i can get boosted
SunCavi great job man, keep pushing hard and all the best to you.
nice going yaz my motor and clutch are about broken in so i should be putting up some good numbers soon --- we should hit the track together when i start running it again
12's........ I thought High 13's low 14's was fast..

I want an eco.....
JDM Civic Hatch
Status: Parting Out Turbo Kit....
14.224 @ 102.01MPH @ 5.5psi.... 2.3 60'
Next: Civic JDM B16a2 w/GSR LSD Turbo - Goal 300whp 1400lbs...
Was this with a stripped interior?
SLK 32
damn right i want some slicks....but not until i cant go any faster on the radials. LOL.
you wanna call times now eh? im calling 12.50s sunday

ill keep going faster till they shut me down for the year!!
once again good times man.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26